Well the never-ending news headline at the moment is the ongoing story of Prince Andrew, his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein and whether or not he had sex with underage girls! Of course the story isn't exactly going to fade gently into history any time soon (nor should it be allowed to), but his car crash "reveal all" interview the other night did him no favours at all! By all accounts, not only did it do him "no favours", but showed him to be what he apparently is - an entitled, boorish, arrogant, unempathetic dick!!! His ex-wife, "the lovely Fergie", as always stands resolutely behind her
ongoing meal ticket ex-husband and was, apparently, the one who told him to "go for it and get the truth out there"! Yeah, well anyone who listens to Fergie for advice on how to be media savvy probably deserves each and every flying cow pat coming their way! And this is the same Fergie who, when caught a few years back trying to flog access to Andrew for £500,000 to a fake Sheikh (undercover journalist), eventually went on "Oprah" for a "tell-all" interview which ended up about as "grueling" as being savaged by a toothless kitten! Even more of a joke was that when they finally got down to the so-called nitty gritty, Fergie then started to refer to herself in the third person - "she didn't realize what she was doing, she made a big mistake". I guess if you refer to yourself in the third person that means it wasn't really you then right????
One of the things that really jumped out at me in this whole Prince Andrew debacle though was that "mummy" apparently provides him with "pocket money" to the tune of £250,000 per year, on top of his £20,000/year military pension (and also, I imagine, on top of any money/advantages/living accommodation he receives in addition to the freebie junkets "Air Miles Andy" used to enjoy). So no shortage of money there - well not to my eyes at least, but then I guess we have different ideas of what it means to be "rich" don't we! Anyway, as I was saying, what jumped out at me was that Andrew apparently went to Epstein a few years back to ask him for money for Fergie in order to get her debts restructured! The Epstein bail out turned out to be in the amount of
£15,000! That's all! £15,000!!! Now don't you think if you had your fingers in as many pies as Andrew seemingly has that you wouldn't have to go to an Epstein to beg for £15,000 for your parasitic ex-wife?? Beats me! He could have come to me - I would have been able to rustle up a little something for "poor Fergie" - you know, the one who would show up to the opening of an envelope if there was a free buffet!!! Gawd, how the other half live!
And then there was the recent brooha over a cosmetic surgery clinic trying to suggest that if you got plastic surgery
chez eux you too could end up looking as fresh as Kate Middleton! The media (the Palace?) immediately jumped all over them for trying to infer that Kate had used their services but the clinic did turn out to be where Fergie had had a facelift and other "rejuvenating" treatments. Crikey, if I was managing that clinic Sarah Ferguson would be the
last person I'd want advertising
my clinic!
Fergie - aged 60! |
And talking of aging badly, I saw pictures of the celebrations for Monaco's national day and blimey, haven't they aged badly too! Now this isn't just me being bitchy because I'm certainly no oil painting, but these women have had access to the top stylists/make-up artists/hairdressers and so on all their lives and haven't exactly worked their fingers down to the bone in the local factory before catching the number 25 bus home have they! As they say, "fine feathers make fine birds"! But seriously, if they aren't an advert for staying out of the sun I don't know what is (although a lifetime spent smoking probably doesn't help either)!
Caroline - aged 62 |
Stephanie - aged 54 |
Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking getting older, but what shocked me was the state of their skin - the wrinkles! Maybe it's just my fat face but those wrinkles really jumped out at me. I think Princess Caroline has always been a beautiful woman (as is her daughter, Charlotte) and certainly the others have looked good (with the right help) but wow, stay out of the sun ladies. It's a killer!
And finally, there's Princess Charlene, who has to be the unhappiest looking princess I've ever seen! You know, the same Charlene who was apparently prevented from boarding a plane out of the country at Nice airport just before her wedding to Albert -
that Charlene! Now I have a theory that the reason why she (and Victoria Beckham) never smile is because they have diddy little teeth that no amount of cosmetic surgery can alter. But poor Charlene's eyes just
never seem to smile, and as they say, a smile that doesn't reach the eyes will never be a real smile will it!
I agree Andrew has no himself no favours - no change there then! I must admit I used to be a royalist but recent stories are turning me right against them. I saw a story today about the palace media team threatening people who talk to the press! I also agree those 'princesses' are not ageing well at all. It must be all that stress they have lol. As for non smily people like VB. Get over yourselves ladies, no one gives a damn if you look miserable. Happy people smile, even happy animals smile so I guess they are not happy with their privileged lives. Shame! x
ReplyDeleteYou're right. I was something of a royalist many years ago but not any more and I think once the Queen has gone that family will be in for a shock! And those princesses - I know I wouldn't want to live my life in a goldfish bowl as it must be awful, but like we say, they've never had the stress of getting stuck in traffic jams on the way to pick up their kids, or worrying how they're going to pay the rent either have they! But would I swop places with them? Never in a million years!
DeleteI only like certain of the royals. I cannot stand Megan. She is in it for the glory and money. My opinion on Andrew is that he did it, had sex with the girl. When the queen dies, it is all over for the royals. Charles and Camilla are a joke. Those royals pictured have more wrinkles than i do at 73. I figure my fat face will dissolve in wrinkles when i lose weight. The fat keeps my skin smooth...lol.
ReplyDeleteI have a fat face too (well not just my face actually) and it certainly hides the wrinkles doesn't it! You see that sometimes when someone loses a lot of weight - how much it ages them (well that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it)!
DeleteI do have to admit there is a little bit of unwarranted interest to see what train wrecks privilege can produce. (and it is not restricted to royals!)
ReplyDeleteYou're absolutely right. I don't think it's particularly helpful never to have to work for something. I've seen that so often in Geneva where there is a lot of money. I'm not sure you're doing your kids any favours by handing everything to them on a plate!
DeleteI love reading your view on it all :) I have to say, I'm a year older then Princess Stephanie and I don't look as old as her, LOL.
ReplyDeleteShe has aged very badly but then I always remember pictures of her burnt to a cinder from being on the beach all the time as a young woman. When I turned 60 in Sicily last year one of the guys came up to me and said "50 maybe, but 60!! No way!" and then asked me if I had had botox! Again, I think it's the fat face thing in my case (and staying out of the sun helps) of course.
DeleteI've never been a sunbather either. My old age is my white hair LOL. I'd probably look younger if I still colored it.
DeleteThankfully I've never tolerated the sun as I just don't have the skin for it (plus I can't see the point in just lying there for hours). I'm grateful now of course!
DeleteCar crash tv. Now he's been stripped of his sovereign salary will he just have his pension to live on? I doubt it. What with the Royal family debacle and the 'pin the tale on the donkey' by that I mean voting is like stabbing in the dark forthcoming election. We Brits are in a real mess!
ReplyDeleteAin't that the truth Tania. But I think Air Miles has had it coming for a long time, - well him and the three parasites attached to him. Not one of 'em will die from work-related stress will they!
DeleteMy mom is 76 and has hardly an wrinkles. I am 50 and just have crows feet at my eyes, never really been one to lie in the sun due to my fair skin (although I love warm destinations tend to lie in loungers under umbrellas). The entitled will always bee entitled...they just do not truly understand how the real world works. Jeffrey Epstein is in the best possible place - 6 feet under. I can think of another American who deserves to be there although he is in the hot seat right now
ReplyDeleteYep you can tell those that stayed out of the sun and those that spent their lives roasting can't you. I always noticed it more when I went up into the mountains when I lived in Switzerland. I would go up to Zermatt for the weekend and some of the people up there had facial skin like cow hide!! It might be nice when you are younger but it looks awful when you're older.