The view from my window

The view from my window
The view from my window

Sunday 22 March 2020

Day seven!

Under normal circumstances I guess we'd be almost half way through our 15 day lockdown here in France, but in all honesty these aren't normal circumstances are they and I fully expect that lockdown will be extended. What can I say! I realize exactly how lucky I am compared to so many people who are worried about their or their loved ones health and/or financial stability, so for me to complain would be unforgiveable. I have no intention of complaining anyway as I really am just fine. Maybe the truth is that I'm just antisocial as these past seven days being alone haven't bothered me at all. I do now have a lovely clean terrace and even though the temperature dropped today I spent a couple of hours outside weeding as it was good to get some fresh air. I also rather optimistically set up a few pots with tomato and courgette seeds to start off in my living room but - and don't laugh - I'm actually thinking I might lug one of my little old el cheapo greenhouses up into my bathroom and set it up in there for the seedlings. It's a large, bright and sunny room which retains the heat so I reckon they might do well there and hey, I live on my own and have no-one to impress anyway so why not!

I mentioned before that I went out grocery shopping on Friday and it was really fine - not really any shortages and plenty of fresh fruit and veg, which makes the images I see of empty shelves and people lining up outside the shops in the UK all the more saddening! What the heck is that all about? My sister and her husband got back from Spain on Friday and she said that although they stayed in while they were there, again there were no shortages in the stores!! Shame on (some) Brits for such selfish behaviour! My sister and her husband will be staying indoors for a couple of weeks, of course, and like the rest of the country just have to get on with it. André and Lily made it back safely from Thailand on Saturday on their regular, scheduled flight and again they will be working from home in Switzerland and self-isolating. I'm just relieved they're all back home safely. I found out today that three colleagues have now tested positive for the virus and one person has lost a family member in Spain so it really is hitting close to home now!

André and Lily travelling home
We have to have this attestation de déplacement on us every time we go out!

I have been watching the British government's nightly update on the situation and while I will never be a Bojo fan I have to say I'm impressed by the people he surrounds himself with, in particular Professor Chris Whitty, the UK's Chief Medical Officer. Although having a bit of a Mr. Bean appearance I've found him impressive and reassuring when giving his opinions and answering questions in an extremely composed and stiff upper lip kinda way! I suppose the good news at least is that Bojo doesn't keep firing his experts!

Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer
When I came in this evening I thought I may as well sit down and do some Italian homework that our teacher sent us. Just a couple of short stories to read and answer questions on so that took up another hour before I headed down to cook dinner. Another thing that surprises me though is that restaurants and cafés are closed in the UK now but they can still supply take-out meals! I suppose it surprises me because you have a snowflake's chance in hell of getting a take-out meal over here at any time, not just during a pandemic!!! Don't get me wrong, I'm glad these businesses can continue to provide this service for those who might need it, but it's just such an anathema to me because take-out doesn't exist here. There are no grocery store deliveries either. Maybe in Switzerland but not around here, so it's just not something we can count on. But what also surprises me still is how so many people just can't cook. I don't mean that they don't cook, but that they can't cook! I remember years ago meeting a colleague's sister who was over here on vacation. She had four kids and told me she never, ever cooked! Never! I think my jaw just dropped as I couldn't get my mind around the idea of never cooking for your family - or that such a thing was even possible! I suppose knowing the rudiments of how to cook went out the window at the same time as home economics classes did in school sad to say! What a loss those classes were. Both boys and girls at my school had to do at least three months each of woodwork, metalwork, sewing and cooking. We can't all be boffins can we and I really feel the loss of those classes did no-one any favours (although I was crap at metalwork, I have to admit)!

In other news I see that the UK put out a call to retired nurses and doctors to come back into service and so far 4,000 nurses and 500 doctors have stepped up to the plate. Given the fairly recent dispute between the government and junior doctors about their contracts I seriously hope that everyone remembers what these people are doing for us all right now, in particular when it comes to giving them the salaries they deserve!

In other news I had the weirdest message on my phone this evening. Around October last year I mentioned that I thought something might be wrong with my friend Brian in England as in the 10 years we had known each other he had never forgotten my birthday, always contacted me on Remembrance Sunday and always sent me a Christmas card - until last year, that is! I sent messages and tried his number but got nowhere, so given his age and his recent ill health I could only assume the worst. Well tonight I received a forwarded message from his number. It was a copy of a letter written to the Irish Times re the coronavirus. From Brian!!!!! So I wrote back and said "Brian???? Is that you????" and so far, several hours later, I've not received an answer. It's a bit like a couple of years ago when I woke up in the middle of the night to a "thumbs up" message from Ian, my friend in Bulgaria who died so suddenly about three years ago. In all honesty I think it's just a fluke, maybe a spam message or something, as I really think Brian would get in touch if he were able to, but it was definitely weird, and I still have the message on my phone, unlike Ian's message which disappeared after a few minutes! Maybe it was just Brian telling me to stay safe. I like to think so!

The big "joke's on you" I just read about is that Boris Johnson's father, Stanley, has applied for French citizenship on the grounds that his late mother was French!!! If that goes through it would allow Bojo and his siblings to also apply (his sister broke the news and is already rubbing her hands with glee apparently). So there you have it, another Brexiteer in the land of I'm all right Jack!

And finally, the UK is still not in total lockdown and the city of London is still open for business, with people simply being advised to maintain social distancing. Trouble is, while most people will indeed do the right thing some idiots will continue to believe the rules don't apply to them and ruin it for everyone. Just like the bloody idiot YouTube wannabe who, although not a Brit, must be a candidate for the Darwin Awards for the most stupid thing to do in her desperate search for fame. Apparently this "aspiring model" (aren't they all) and two-time guest on Dr. Phil, "took up the coronavirus challenge" and videoed herself licking the toilet seat on an airplane, all in the eternal quest for YouTube glory! Natural selection at its best (I hope)!


  1. RE: Aspiring Model licking toilet seat. Our gene pool needs thinning every now and again so I congratulate her for stepping up. lolz

    1. Don't you wonder if 20-30 years down the road they might look at these pictures and think WTF????

    2. When you grow up to brainless do you think they even care when they're 50? I'm not sure!

  2. That girl was on Dr. Phil, and later said she made him and his show famous. So Stupid! She is making a ton of money as is ignorant as a rock. She says, "Cash me assid" for "catch me outside" Dumber than a rock. High school dropout whose mother approves of her you tube success because they are making money.

    1. Of course it's all about the money isn't it - and then they have to do more and more outrageous things to be "noticed" (Kardashians anyone?). Like the Russian youtuber who threw a chair out a 7th floor window and killed a woman below!

  3. The so called influencer above, now thats an oxymoron. Glad your family is all safe.

    1. I know I'm getting old but "influencer"? When did that become a job?

  4. Licking a toilet seat proves dumb peop;e exist and walk among us.

    I can't.

    Stay safe. We are an indoor world now.

    1. I am, as always, stunned by what people will do for their 10 minutes of fame! I guess I'm starting to sound like my mom now right? But stay safe your side of the pond too!

  5. "Laptop celebrities" my son calls them.
    You are definitely a keep-moving type of woman. No sitting about and moaning for you! I love it! You are inspiring.
    Thanks for cheer and news.

    1. "Laptop celebrities" just about sums it up doesn't it. We've got one (in particular) in the UK with no discernable talent whatsoever and has been on pretty much every "I'm a celebrity" show we have. If nothing else I guess you have to admire her chutzpah! And if you could see me right now you wouldn't think I was a "keep moving" kind of person. Better get off my backside I guess - thanks for the 2 X 4!

  6. We are still 'social distancing' here in Central PA... I suspect that's going to change; everyday the number of cases increases. Back when I was in school, boys got wood shop and girls got home economics. The reality is I'm not mechanically inclined but I can cook circles around most. And while I'm not a fan of BoJo either, he does understand the importance of surrounding himself with intelligent people whom he lets speak.

    1. I spent 3 months planing a rectangle of wood and then drilled a hole through it on the last day! I think it would be called "art" today!!! And yes Bojo has surrounded himself with good people and is respectful towards them, so that's a plus!

  7. I'm glad to hear your family are all home and safe. One worry less for you! Well we're finally on lockdown, about time too. We have too many stupid people not getting how desperate the situation is. I'm glad Bojo has done the right thing as if nothing else it will force my mum to stay home now! She's forever 'just nipping out' for one thing or another and I get it, now she's alone it will get lonely for her, she's still grieving and the anniversary of my dads death is coming up in a couple of weeks but I'm constantly worried about her and I've warned her if she doesn't stay home I can't visit her. Thankfully now she'll have to stay in! Its very strange and scary times we are in, lets hope its not long till we get back our FREEDOM!! xx

    1. I just hope the UK lockdown isn't too little too late. I check the figures of those affected every day and they are still doing (relatively) ok but I can't believe that's going to last. And I understand your mom absolutely. Loneliness is a terrible thing, especially in an older person who is maybe not as physically able. But thank god we've got other means of staying in touch eh!

  8. So glad your son and his wife got back. Still not total lockdown here so I went to my friends house (stayed outside 12 feet away from each other) to pick up a couple plants she managed to buy for me before the greenhouse she worked at shut. We have rather excellent Dr in charge of each Province, ours is named Dr. Bonnie Henry. She is now so beloved I swear she would be elected Prime Minister if she ran. "Wash your hands like you've been eating jalapenos and need to put your contacts in". She has a massive following now, nice to see a few competent people in charge. So sorry to hear of your co-workers. I still don't know anyone who is ill but there are so many cases here I am not taking any chances.

    1. The numbers for Canada are still relatively small aren't they but I don't think anyone will escape, unless they did the sensible thing and went into lockdown really early. But then if it is "early" people probably won't obey anyway will they. And yes having someone competent in charge is reassuring isn't it!
