The view from my window

The view from my window
The view from my window

Monday 23 October 2017

Such fun!

On Saturday I went for my first ever lesson in cake decorating and thoroughly enjoyed myself, although I have to say it is more difficult than it looks. I have to admit I tend to be a bit "slap dash" and kinda think "oh, I've got this" and then find out that really I haven't! I ended up with quite a few holes in the icing because I rolled it too thin but for a first attempt it wasn't bad.

These are the cakes we six ladies decorated - not bad for first efforts are they (mine's the green hat in the middle)!

It was a bit hectic to be honest as I had people coming over on Saturday night so had to dash out and get some shopping in, then race into Geneva for my class, then back and get ready for our "board game evening".  A couple of years ago I had joined the local MJC (community centre, if you like) where they had a board game evening once a month. They said it started at 5 pm so I showed up at 5 on the dot, only to be surrounded by little kids playing tiddly-winks! Apparently the adults show up around 8 pm but nobody thought to let me know! I went a couple of times but as there were already established groups it was kind of difficult to integrate, although the people were nice, of course. Then last year, as we were having our annual neighbourhood clean up I got chatting with Valérie and she said how she would like to join too. Well we went a couple of times but again it was difficult to join in a group that was already used to each other, so rather inspiringly Valérie suggested we do it ourselves in our own homes once a month. So Saturday night was our first "date" at my place and though a couple couldn't make it we ended up being six in the end and had a great time.

I had bought the game "Big Mouth" where you put a kind of "mouth stretcher" in and then have to read words off a card and get your team mates to say them. It was so much fun. I got a great video of Isabelle trying to get her husband to get the phrase but I'll be buggered if I can get it to post. Still, here are a few pictures anyway! A great game if ever you need to liven things up a bit (but watch out for the drool)!



  1. I would love to find that game - the pictures are hilarious

    1. I bought it off Amazon - and you can by extra "gum shields" and smaller sizes for kids! Great fun!

    2. I meant to also tell you your cake is very good - after just one lesson!

    3. There were a lot of hidden horrors under all that icing - but thanks anyway.

  2. An established game night is a great idea! Years ago we went to a party where the hosts had tables set up with various games. There were name cards set at the tables and you sat at your designated table. Then they set the timer for 20 minutes and you played your game for that amount of time, but when the buzzer rang you drew a table number from a bag and went to the next table for a different game. The games and players were continually changing. I have always intended to replicate that party, but never have.

    1. That sounds like a fabulous idea! I remember playing cards all through the night with my former boyfriend and loved it. My parents too had uncles, aunts and cousins over pretty much every week for card games for as long as I can remember. Let me know if you do the party - sounds like it could be interesting!

  3. I love this idea of a game night and the Big Mouth is so funny. Maybe a Christmas game for my hubs side of the family that all could join in on instead of the normal stuff.

    1. You can buy extra mouth pieces if there are a lot of you. It really was fun though!

  4. More comfortable in your own home than a community hall, anyway!

    What a hoot of a game. I could imagine with a few glasses of wine. It would be nie on impossible to work out what people are saying.

    1. Being in my own home we got to chose what we played and of course everyone joined in. I think I was the worst dribbler!!! Next one is 2 December at my neighbours.
