The view from my window

The view from my window
The view from my window

Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Natural good looks!

I've spent a few days offline over Christmas so I'm only just now starting to catch up on all my favourite blogs. While it's been a strange and unpleasant year for most people I hope that everyone got to enjoy at least some parts of Christmas with family and friends. The kids came to me on Christmas day and it was really nice, except I managed to massacre the Yorkshire pudding again. Think I'll have to give up on that one, which is a shame because my kids love them. Jen and Jordan have been looking into the local day-care for the baby and she was telling me that they might be stuck for the month of July as the day-care can't take the baby before September. They are going to take August off anyway and that works out well because the day-care closes for the whole month, so Jen asked if I would be willing to step in for July (would I????). They know I'm not ready to do full-time baby-sitting because I feel having worked for over 40 years this is my time now. But of course I'll help them out whenever they need me, if the baby is not well or whatever. So the plan looks to be Jen will drop down to 80% work and take Mondays off and I will take care of the baby on Fridays so that will mean only three days a week of day-care. Sounds good to me. When I was going through stuff in my basement the other day I came across a bag of baby things that I had hung on to. I found the sweetest baby jackets that my mom had knitted for me when I was pregnant with André, so I washed them and showed them to Jen and she has taken a couple. Now to be honest, they're incredibly old fashioned - heck they were old fashioned 33 years ago, but I kept them and put them on both babies when they were new born for a while. Obviously you can't put them in them for too long but it would be quite sentimental to me to see the baby in one of them at least once!

In other news I've signed back up for the "Walk 1,000 Miles in 2021" challenge. I want to give it another go with (hopefully) this pandemic being kinder to all of us. Who knows, maybe I will aim for 1,500. That might be pushing it a bit but I'm pretty motivated (but then aren't we all on New Year's Eve)!

It's cold and pretty bleak here at the moment so I haven't exactly been knocking all those things off my "to do" list lately. But the other night I actually sat and watched a programme called something like "Christmas at the Castle" and they were filming at Highclere castle, which was the location for the fictitious Downton Abbey. They have a staff of about 35 and were showing how they organized everything getting it ready for the Christmas tourist season (covid willing - it was, luckily for them). While I have mixed feelings about so much wealth being in the hands of so few people, I have to say everyone worked really hard - including the owners - the Earl of Carnarvon and his wife - and they all seemed to be such a nice, cheerful group. It certainly brings home to you though just how hard they really do have to work to generate the income to keep these places running!

Highclere Castle - "Downton Abbey"

Next week, apparently, they're showing the filming at Warwick castle, which I really would like to watch having grown up just down the road from it. It was funny really because when my husband's family came over from the States for our wedding we took them to see it, and my dad was saying he had spent the last 60+ years living right next door and had never visited it. But then, isn't that always the way!

Warwick Castle

And finally, just when I thought I had done all my Christmas shopping I spotted these masks and just had to get them as stocking fillers. The boys and I decided to model them - I'd say natural good looks run in the family wouldn't you!


  1. Those are such funny masks, but I would get a little creeped out seeing them out and about! Humans are a funny lot, not appreciating enough what might be readily available and longing for something "exotic" like castles not down the road from home. For me, I take for granted how close we are to major US parks ad state parks.

    1. I think if a major attraction is close by you maybe get the sense that you can "go there anytime" and so you don't. Silly really isn't it!

    2. Treaders,
      I lived about a mile down the road from Elvis' house, Graceland. And, it was annoying that my bil from NY wanted to go there EVERY day.

    3. Oh no way. You can overdose on these things AND they get to be expensive too don't they!

  2. Oh your masks are hilarious! Happy New Year to you and yours! It must be very exciting to wait for the newest addition to the family.

    1. When I saw those masks I knew I had to get them - and they were a big hit, although I'm not sure I'll be wearing them out just yet. And I think for the baby, at least for me, it hasn't really sunk in yet, but yes I'm looking forward to it!

  3. Those little sweaters are works of art and I would so happily dress one of my babies in it if I'd had the chance. My mother used to knit beautiful little things for my children. She was a very fine needleworker.
    I am sending my best wishes to you and to yours for the New Years, dear woman. And I'm glad that you're looking forward to being able to spend time with the new wee one coming.

    1. My mother was a beautiful knitter. It was necessity really as they didn't have much money. I will always treasure those little jackets too as they remind me of my mom. And happy new year to you and yours Ms Moon!

  4. Until I began doing research for The Body in the Loch, I had no idea there were so many castles in the UK, in Europe, I guess, for that matter. Wow! And those masks are great, and believe me, I see a lot of masks.

    1. There are loads of castles in Europe. Maybe that's why my dad never went to Warwick castle as it was "just another castle", although it is truly beautiful. And yeah, I was a sucker for those masks but we got a good laugh out of them!

  5. I think you could use a shave and maybe a trip(or 20)to the dentist! lolz Hilarious!!

    1. Damn, and I thought my teeth were just fine!

  6. Love the masks Anna, two handsome lads there. My mum knitted loads of stuff when my children were small but I have nothing left. It's great that you have some things.

    1. I think that generation, certainly in the UK, all knew how to knit because they generally didn't have money to throw around and in any case there wasn't the choices available like there is today. I'm pretty sentimental so I knew I'd kept some stuff - it's just lovely to get it out again!

  7. My mum was a beautiful knitter too but I can't find the things I put away, except for a beautiful shawl she made.

    Those masks are awful. They remind me of a joke.

    Why are redneck murders so hard to solve?

    All the DNA matches and no dental records.

    1. So many of them could knit and/or sew couldn't they, although my mom couldn't sew to save her life (must write up a couple of her sewing stories sometime). And I love that joke - just wonder how true it is!

  8. You are all immensely good looking, don't change a thing! And what a good deed you would be doing going out as a family in those masks and causing all your neighbours to fall about laughing.. laughter is the best medicine.. you could probably cure covid all by yourselves in those masks..

    1. I haven't plucked up the courage to go out in my mask yet although the boys carry them on them so there could be some fun tonight!

  9. I love the sweaters! I would love to receive those or borrow them when I had a baby.

    1. I think if you're sentimental they mean a lot. To those that aren't sentimental, well, they're just old fashioned jackets aren't they!

  10. Snap re the visiting of the family home is Leamington and only got around to doing Warwick and Chatsworth etc., when Californian family visited. I must admit I can't bear to look at that horrible mask you're
    wearing but your boys look lovely. You will absolutely love your Nana duties! I think you and I share quite a lot in common but I admire how accomplished and competent you are..I only divorced my ex this year so have a way to go maybe..and at my age I think I will just have to take each day as it comes, cross my fingers and hope for the best! Health and Happiness to you and yours in 2021 x

    1. Hi Libby, so a fellow Midlander then? I think if I lived back in the UK I would join the National Trust as they have so much to offer. Thank you for the "accomplished" comment but I don't feel it actually. Being retired and with my kids (supposedly) off my hands gives me more time. You know, all the time I didn't have when I was working full-time so go easy on yourself. Oh and I was married for 26 years and should have gotten out of there WAAAYYYY before so give yourself a pat on the back. I'm guessing you'll love your single life (I know I do). And you're right, I can feel it in my bones that I'm going to love being a Nana!

  11. I love the masks and would wear them while secretly laughing. I have a resting bitch face and look like I am pissed at the world when I am feeling completely neutral. I thinks something like the masks would be the perfect thing for me.
    I love love love the old hand made clothing! I hope you get some pictures of the new babe wearing them. I found a dress I wore in kindergarten when we were cleaning out Mom's house. I sent it to Pip and she wore it for her class pictures. Of course she has better taste than I did and she styled it much better! Or maybe her parents are not as rigid as may mom was and let her do her own thing with it!
    HaPPY NEW YEAR! I hope it is better for all of us. I know it will be for you when the baby gets here and you get to be a part of it's life.

    1. The Queen has a "resting bitch face" so consider yourself in good company, although I doubt that's true of you. I'm not sure I'll wear the masks out but who knows. And yes I love my mom's old knitted jackets and will definitely make sure I get a picture of the baby in at least one of them. Happy new year to you too Anne!

  12. Those masks are hilarious! Glad you were able to spend time with family over Christmas.

    I still knit those sweaters though they aren't nearly as appreciated as they once were. I still have some from my children (33 and 39), but nothing from when I was young.

    Take care, stay well, and wishing you and yours all the best in 2021!

    1. I think it's lovely that you're still knitting those jackets - knitted with love woven into them. I guess today we're all spoiled by cheap (mainly Chinese) imports but even though those jackets may not be fashionable I love them for what they represent. And all the best to you for 2021 too - we have 33 minutes of this horrible year left to go!
