The view from my window

The view from my window
The view from my window

Sunday 8 November 2020


It's seemed a very long week here this week. So much sameness and yet different because we've been staying up half the night watching the elections. At least tonight (or maybe tomorrow) I'll go to bed a bit earlier (it's already 1.30 a.m. here)! 

I bought some lovely meringues the other day thinking André and I would enjoy them, but so far it's only been me!!! "Luckily" for me, as I was putting the groceries away I managed to put a knife into a small carton of cream so thinking "waste not, want not" I had a rather lovely dessert of meringues and cream tonight - and now guess who's feeling a bit sick!

I mentioned to André this morning that my yoga teacher would be sending me links to ongoing classes that I could do at home and would he like to join me? Nah, didn't think he would! Trouble is, the best place for me to practice is in my living room and I think that's where he'll be setting up office as of next week when he's back to work. I'm not sure he'll be wanting to see me attempting to do the "downward facing dog" though so I'm going to have to figure something else out!

Illustration by Mark Armstrong

Today again I was restless and chomping at the bit to get out so I told André I would run into town to pick up a few groceries. He said that he would like to take his car out for a run too so believe it or not I ran into town and got a bunch of celery and an avocado and he went afterwards and picked up some goat's cheese. If you add in the price of the petrol I guess that makes for pretty expensive groceries doesn't it! Dave mentioned on his blog how nice it was not to have to do a health check because he was off work, and I feel the same - I'm starting to get a pissy attitude about having to take a whole two minutes to download an attestation in order to leave home. It's silly really but I think it's the lack of control which gets to me, although I understand the reasoning behind it. I mean, it's designed to prevent people from going out and mixing as much as possible, so I guess I'll just have to put up and shut up! I did go for another walk today which did me good, although always walking in and around the village gets old. After my "strenuous" 45 minute stroll around the village and feeling the "need to rehydrate" when I got home, André just handed me a beer. I guess he's got my number huh!

In other news, the other week my friend came over with a thank you gift for looking after her house while she was in Spain. It was all closed up initially but has now started to flower and it is just beautiful!

It's a beautiful amaryllis - I just have to
figure out how not to kill it!

Then after dinner tonight the film Outbreak was on TV. I enjoyed the film the first time I saw it but wondered if the timing of putting it on now was coincidental or not. It's very pertinent to today's situation don't you think. Scary stuff, and just getting worse, sadly!

From the film Outbreak!

And finally, the obvious closing thought has to be just the sheer relief that the elections seem to have been finally decided. Of course they're not final as yet but certainly looking like it. It was lovely to see people celebrating in the streets today, although I guess there were many that weren't! When I bash on Trump it's not because he's a Republican. I'm more liberal-leaning and would most likely have voted Democrat had I ever got US citizenship. No, I bash Trump because he's an odious human being, his latest statement issued today being just as ungracious as you would expect! So while I doubt that Joe Biden was the best person the US could have gotten for the job, and God alone knows what a horrendous mess he has to try to get a handle on (starting with the pandemic) I, like so many, am just relieved to think Trump and his toxic family will shortly no longer be front and centre stage. It's encouraging that Biden will apparently be naming his covid team on Monday, as that has got to be the most pressing issue, well that and a million others. I can only wish him good luck!


  1. I feel relie he and his family are not going to be front and center and in charge. They will all try to restore Trump and cause damage. That's okay.

    1. The whole world feels your relief. There has been talk about either Donny Jr or Ivanka making a run in 2024!!!!! My first reaction is that they would get laughed off the stage but who knows. At least right now there is a chance for calm to return!

  2. I do not like Trump, never have and I am sure I never will. I am worried about the great divide in my country.though. Realistically I don't see it getting any better because we basically have two entirely different schools of thought that are not mutually compatible without some give and take on both sides, and I just don't see it happening. Time will tell and I hope I am wrong.

    1. I hope you're wrong too Anne but I agree with you that the divide in the US is enormous right now. I just hope Biden is allowed to at least try to start fixing things. He can do no more!

  3. Carving out work space amongst living space is tricky. My husband put up with me taking up both living room and dining room. Now I'd like a goat cheese salad with walnuts and avacado.

    1. I actually have an "office" space in one of my bedrooms so I might shove André in there when I'm attempting to wrap my legs round my neck. And maybe a goat's cheese and avocado salad is on the horizon. André bought the cheese and I bought the avocado so I guess there is some telepathy there!

  4. I totally agree with your point about Trump it's not any thing to do with politics it's HIM that makes me seeth. With regard to the expense of popping to the shops and the cost of petrol. Sometimes you've just got to get out of the house to break the monotony. Hang the cost, it's a change of scenery.

    1. I agree, people have the right to their own political leanings but it was always all about Trump and his henchmen for me. Thank God he'll be gone soon, even if it is kicking and screaming. It'll be interesting to see what he does next though. And yep I just needed to get out the house. I went to the grocery store on Saturday so you would think it might be busy (although I always go around lunchtime), but there was barely anybody there - maybe 25 people in all, so I don't feel bad about using popping out to the store as an excuse.

  5. I don't ever remember feeling such relief at any US election in the past! That said, we sure have our own clown here but he's not quite as extreme as T rump.
    That flower is beautiful. I hope you manage to keep it going. I've never managed it!
    It takes a bit of getting used to having an adult child back at home doesn't it. Never mind, either you'll get used to it or he'll move soon! Houses in our area are selling like hotcakes at the moment, I've no idea why!
    Take care and try to get some sleep now! x

    1. It's weird isn't it to be so drawn into the US elections but I put that all down to Trump and the wish never to see his face or, more particularly, never hear his whiney voice ever again. As for André and me, even in our second week of lockdown we're doing ok. Once the lockdown is lifted and he can be out and about it'll be easier. It can't be easy for him either of course going from married man to living with mommy! Still, you gotta do what ya gotta do!

  6. Thank you for being involved and caring about our election. I do realize that when the US has a crazy evil asshole as a president, the entire world is in jeopardy. I wish with all my heart that Biden could take over the nuclear codes right this second.
    You and Andre take care. Patience is a virtue. Or so I've heard.

    1. You know I actually mentioned the nuclear codes to my sister this morning, but I think at this point they'd wrestle him to the ground anyway!

  7. That amaryllis is stunning! And yes! the election is over. Most of are soon be be ex-president's favorite news outlets are quietly urging him to accept his loss with dignity and to leave office with grace. That's a freaking oxymoron if I ever heard one.

    1. He is not capable of being gracious. Sadly he still has a couple of months left to wreak havoc doesn't he!

  8. I'm just getting caught up on my reading. Your friend's land in the header photo is lovely and I agree with her, an hour more or less, definitely more, isn't going to hurt anyone. You two were being responsible.

    I'm going to try and get outside today and walk the dogs. The snow is here, a lot of snow is here but the roads are better today and I have boots, coat and toque so there's no excuse for not getting up off my ass:)

    As for the election, I hoped that would be the end of it but trump is like dogshit, it's sticks to your shoes and it's so hard to get off and everywhere you go, you can still smell it.

    He is a nightmare and I am so thankful he's no relation. Can you imagine?

    1. They say there's no such thing as bad weather - just bad clothes, don't they, but sometimes you just can't motivate yourself to get out. I think the worst for me is a fear of slipping on the ice - the cold I don't mind! And I think that's a good description of Trump - the bad smell that just won't go away!
