The view from my window

The view from my window
The view from my window

Sunday, 29 December 2019

Getting started early!

I'm not very good at making new year's resolutions - I always feel they are counterproductive, because by the time I've fallen off the "resolution wagon" around 18 January it's kinda disheartening to think I've "got to wait a whole year to start again" (mad, I know), so I just don't bother making them, well not on 1 January anyway! That being said, the new-ish year is always a pretty good time to start thinking about what you might like to change in your life I guess. So with this in mind I've already started Dry January (the day after Christmas actually). Not that I was a complete lush over Christmas anyway - I learned that lesson a long time ago - you can't pull off Christmas and everything that entails and dump a bottle of wine down your throat! So I decided the day after Christmas was as good a day as any to start as I don't plan on doing anything on new year's eve anyway! We'll see how it goes, but even if I don't make it the full month, I don't have to wait a year to try again do I!

On top of that, I want to get back to walking as this is ideal walking weather as far as I'm concerned. For quite some time I've had a low grade headache just "hanging around" fairly constantly. I put that down to the pretty non-stop rain we've had for about a month and not really being able to get out in the fresh air. So today, after exhausting every excuse and delaying tactic I could find to not just get my walking gear on and head out the door, at 2.30 p.m. I realized I finally had to "just do it", because otherwise it starts getting dark around 4 p.m. and there are very few street lights around here. So I set off up the mountainside on a route I used to know fairly well but was amazed to see how built up it now is. Oh it's all very pretty because the houses are built on the slopes and look to be fairly expensive I would think, all the more so since the CEVA (the new trans-frontier express train) has now started running from our local town direct into Geneva, so I imagine prices are going to sky-rocket, if they haven't already - I wouldn't know! In fact, my friend took the train in to Geneva the first weekend it started running (14 December) and she said it was fabulous. I suppose hanging on for that train could have been a good enough excuse to do the two extra years at work that I had originally planned to do but nah, I'm good! Anyway, once I realized I wasn't totally sure where I needed to head off into the woodland further up because it had all changed so much, I decided to just turn back and head home the way I came as, like I said, I didn't want to get caught out in the dark as the sun was starting to go down. The temperature was only 3° but that's fine for walking and guess what? My headache has gone (fresh air really is the only solution). Well it might be that, or it is being totally masked by the lack of feeling in my ears and nose! Either way, I'll take it! But at least I got off my backside, even if the circumstances weren't ideal, and got in a 45 minute walk and 4,000 steps!

Which reminds me, many years ago my friend was working very long hours on a work project so one evening I suggested to my ex that we went over to her house and walked her two labs into the village just to give them some run time. Now my ex used to wear cowboy boots all the time, but as he was very slim they looked pretty good on him. Cowboy boots are not, however, particularly well suited to the snow (ya think?) so I told him that I would take the younger, female dog and he could take the older, male dog as he was just too strong for me. So we put the leashes on the dogs and headed out the door, but the dogs, having been cooped up all day, shot off like crazy in the vague direction of the village. I was able to control my dog, but the older dog yanked on his leash and my ex and his cowboy boots shot off in the snow looking like he was water skiing! It was so funny I almost peed myself! He, however, didn't find it in the least bit funny, but walking along the village road today bought that image back as clear as a bell! I never asked him to walk the dogs with me again though! Happy days!


  1. Walking outdoors really is the answer to many of life's problems. I never make New Year's resolutions. Well, one year I resolved to wear less black and more color. I failed at that. And one year I resolved to use the word "c*cks*cker" more frequently and I pretty much failed at that too.
    I generally feel as if I get up and get things done every day I'm doing the best I can. That's pretty dreadful, really, isn't it?

    1. Nah, getting things done is already an achievement! But I know myself well enough that getting out really does solve most of my problems, so I want to get at it before the snow comes!

  2. I can so relate to the headache/lack of fresh air. I have to step outside at work at least once=both for some real vitamin D and for a lung full. I'll be international walking buddies with you-I need some motivation. My knee sure bothers me often, but the fresh air will help me get tired and sleep at night most rested.

    1. Ok you're on. I'll feel free to "nag" you frequently about getting out walking. I have the advantage that I'm not working but you have the advantage of the puppy. So be prepared for a nag-in (and feel free to do the same)!

  3. Our dog really does make us get much more fresh air than we would have year round, and it does make a difference. He hates wind and rain though so only 2 walks this week. Love the image of your ex being towed in his cowboy boots lol

    1. I know about the "doggy" thing and am very tempted to get one but at the moment I'm galivanting about a bit too much. Who knows later though!

  4. We have a dog so I get out to walk most days. The only days I miss it is when the weather is horrible and really wet, then both me and the dog prefer to stay in! Its good to get out. The story of your ex made me laugh, I can so imagine the scene!
    Last year I started doing a goal list on the computer in January. I took inspiration from Mavis at One Hundred Dollars A Month. She does a list every January and blogs every Sunday on her progress for each goal. I did the same except my blog is for my eyes only now, its more an online diary. I found it quite useful to have a list of things I wanted to accomplish throughout the year. Some of them I have done and others I have failed miserably but I succeeded on enough to feel pleased with myself. One goal was to read 20 books and I ended up reading 30 books! I also had a goal to learn to store my garden veg etc in jars (canning in USA) I bought a book and borrowed a very large pan and achieved my goal. I made some lovely tomato sauces, various jams and some poached plums and very pleased I am too lol. I've listed my new goals and one of those is to tidy/clear out our loft this year. I can tell you that is one very big goal!! I hope to tell you at this time next year its done and dusted!!
    I hope your headache has stayed away. x

    1. I used to read Mavis' blog and then it fell off my radar when I switched computers. I do like her very much though so will have a butchers now. Someone told me to write down my "goals" in a notebook so I did and achieved 7 out of 9 things on that list so you might be right. One of the goals was to start a blog - and my blog will be 5 years old in March so I guess writing it down does work! And I like the idea of canning too but was always a bit "afraid" of it - scared I would give everyone botulism or something, but I think you may have inspired me!

  5. I learned years ago not to make resolutions. Make plans instead. Don't set dates, just start changing what you want to change. No big announcement, no brouhaha, keep quiet and personal. So far, I have been very successful.

    1. I suspect that's a very male technique Dave - very direct, just get on with it. It's like when a man decides he wants to lose weight - he usually just does it, and quickly. Oh it doesn't mean it doesn't often go back on just as quickly but the initial results are usually very impressive. I suspect your technique is the right one though!

  6. I generally make resolutions that are easy for me to keep. This year and each year since I was old enough to make any declarations I have resolved to eat no liver. I have managed to keep that resolution since I was 16 (with the exception of one meal in my dorm cafeteria when what I thought was pot roast was liver. Who the hell serves liver with potatoes, carrots and onions in gravy to college students without a disclaimer. Turns out I was not the only one who thought it was roast. There were a lot of disgruntled people that night)

  7. Oooohhhh liver and onions! Yum! Actually for me liver is like sauerkraut - great about once a year. I remember when I was pregnant with my oldest though I had SUCH a craving for liver and mangoes (not together). I guess my body was telling me I needed iron and vitamin C right. Actually, I'm surprised he didn't look like a mango when he was born. There was a little man used to sell them outside the World Bank and I would buy 6, eat 4 and then take 2 home and tell my husband we had one each!!!!

  8. Oh phooey I had a comment written out and Blogger made it disappear. In any event, just wanted to say good on you for getting out on a walk.

    All the best in 2020!

    1. Doesn't it drive you nuts when your comments get shot out into cyber space! There must be millions of them floating around there like some big black hole - well that and odd socks I reckon!
