The view from my window

The view from my window
The view from my window

Monday 1 October 2018

Delusional or just mad!

I know I shouldn't look on FB but sometimes I just do (and then usually wish I hadn't). My delusional/insane/demented ex just posted words to the effect of "crying a few tears while slagging a man off and ruining his reputation - she should be subject to the same grilling as him" (in respect of the Kavanaugh/Ford drama), and then getting to see all the "hoorah" comments from his half-wit "friends" makes my blood boil. I don't know who is telling the truth as I wasn't there but she comes over very well and I have personally been on the receiving end of men like that who think with their dicks. You know what they say about some men - "there's only enough blood in the male body to support one head, and the one above the shoulders rarely wins"! Kinda like the guy who once said to me as a young girl that if I wanted my contract renewed I should "know what to do"! Even then I had the presence of mind to say "yeah, go straight to Personnel" and his "little member" shriveled before my eyes! Yay me!

The most tempting thing to me was to scan a copy of the domestic violence judgement I have against my ex and post it on his timeline, but of course it's best not to rise to the bait! I don't know if he is delusional or is still telling himself that "it never happened" (it did, frequently, and I had the bruises and the court judgement to prove it). God help us all, is all I can say!

On a slightly more pleasant note, I finally got my new balcony railings and side gate put in while I was away. Sylvain, the young genius who did it for me, had warned me in advance that it would take ages as he had so much work (good for him). I'd say it's slightly OTT but I love it anyway, especially as I back on to a dairy farm, and if I do find it a bit "too much" I can actually unscrew and remove some of the animals. I sent a photo to my friend, "minimalist Steve", in England and asked if it was OTT, to which he responded "just a tad"! So now I know I got it right then!

More on Sicily tomorrow (I've just got to get my resignation letter in)!


  1. I am like you and was not there so I have no idea what did or did not go on and really have no judgement. I do understand that once an accusation is leveled in an instance like this that it is impossible to prove a negative, but being female I faced my fair share of overly aggressive males when I was a teen and in college. I am not a shy shrinking violet so I never had any real issue, but I had friends who were not as ballsy as I am and found themselves in unpleasant and uncomfortable situations, and even though they were just harassment issues and not force it still made them feel powerless.

    1. Having worked in HR for 20 years you "knew" who the trouble-makers were. I had a friend who was chased round the desk the first week here and she went straight up to HR! She was only about 23 too. Of course nothing happened to him (they usually transfer the woman) but I don't think it ever happened again. But just think if another young girl hadn't been as ballsy as her!

  2. I know, there are a bunch of idiots in my feed too. If I deleted or unfriended all of them I would no be able to speak to some of my American family (seriously, it just drives me and my Mother crazy that actual relatives support Trump and the other FU Republicans). Canada finally signed a trade agreement with USA today - but people here are so pissed off at the states we certainly won't be buying America again. Unfortunately, there are too many of these lunatics in the world (and some of them are people whom we have had past relatiionships with like you)

    1. I saw that trade agreement too. The big one for me will be if he tries to push hormone-treated meat and chicken washed in bleach on the EU (it's not allowed in the EU). I won't be buying it that's for sure. As for my ex, he posted in another post a picture of a US military guy with tears in his eyes saying something to the effect "I leave my family behind in order to fight for them". So a very dear Turkish friend of his wrote back and said "what, in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq"! He never answered. I wish he would just stop with the "illuminati" drivel to be honest. I did lay into him once on his totally offensive post during the elections, words to the effect that the muslim mother who spoke out for Clinton and who had lost her son in Afghanistan had probably been bought for a cow! He took that post down pretty quickly! God help us!

  3. Thank you. It's not everybody's cup of tea but I liked how wacky it is and, as I say, I can actually take the "decorations" down if I want to!

  4. We had a hard time settling again for the quality of some food products that are ever present in the US after the high quality of French ingredients. We know it has to do with the higher standard and the low standard big business has pushed.

    1. While producing enough food for the masses is very important of course I do think big business has a lot to answer for. I remember when we lived in D.C. I used to buy Perdue chicken legs because they were ENORMOUS. Well there's a reason they were enormous (as I realized much later). To be honest big business is creeping in over here too but there is a growing "slow food" movement too. It will never compete with the big boys of course but we can only try can't we!

  5. The fence is great! I probably wouldnt do it but I love that you did!
    I'm sorry about your ex... The violence, the attitude, the arrogance....

    My husband is a bit the same and I wonder how on earth I married him

    1. To be honest, I didn't know my husband when I married him. He was a marine serving in Switzerland and we weren't allowed to live together (of course) so I only saw him on nights out. I found out pretty quickly about the "temper from hell" after we married and it all went downhill from there. I don't think he was all bad to begin with but ... time and booze certainly didn't do him any favours. Sadly the half-wit friends didn't either!
