The view from my window

The view from my window
The view from my window

Tuesday 28 June 2022

How not to resign!

Monday was the last day of sewing club for the year and as you know, even though I was the president I couldn't go for many months because of the passe sanitaire! All's good now (for how long?) but in any case, since I've lost the enjoyment of sewing (even though I like the group very much), I went in last week with the intention of telling them that they would have to find someone to take over. One lady mentioned that she was taking in a clafoutis (a kind of tart), so I took in a bottle of red and thought I'd stop and have a chat with them. Then Cynthia showed up with her five month old grandson so no-one actually got any sewing done anyway, and I ended up walking out of there still being the president for next year! That didn't go quite as planned did it! Unlike when Jordan resigned the other week - done and dusted in a couple of minutes!

Last week there were quite a few things that I wanted at our local supermarket that they seemed to be out of (computer paper being one of them) so I was curious to see if it was just this supermarket or more generalized. I ended up going to a much smaller and nicer supermarket in the next village to mine and they had everything I wanted. A bonus point is that whenever I go to this place they are never crowded, even on a Saturday, so I think it might be worth switching - although I'm so used to the other supermarket that it might take some adjustment. After that I thought "to hell with it" and took a drive down to Annecy to the big hypermarket there, where I always treat myself to lunch, and of course they were fully stocked, so I'm thinking it might be just this one particular chain. That morning we had a power cut which started at around 6 a.m. and when I got back from Annecy at 4 p.m. the electric had only just come back on - so a 10 hour power cut!!!! Yikes, wouldn't want that in the winter!

Which brings me to my next question. This afternoon a rather handsome young man came knocking on our doors trying to sell heat pumps (not interested, I just got a new heating system) and solar panels. I know they're not cheap and you take a few years to get your money back but my sister in England loves theirs and we get so much more sun than they do, of course. In fact I'm very lucky with the positioning of my house because I get the sun all day long, so I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts, particularly given the fact that apparently all energy costs are going to go up and up and up? I have the money to pay cash as I won't take out credit for this, but would be curious to hear if you have any thoughts?

On a totally different note, I went to my dentist's for a check-up the other week and when I got my bill I submitted it to my insurance at 4 p.m. on Saturday afternoon via the app on my phone. At 9 p.m. I got a message from them to say I'd been reimbursed!!! Talk about efficient huh! Then last week I went for a long overdue eye check up. I think the last one I had was in Switzerland near my work about five years ago and I'm pretty sure she's retired, so I got an appointment at the same place Jordan and Jen went just down the road from here. In Switzerland I paid about CHF 240 and here I've just paid €41 for the same thing, and given that the Swiss franc and the euro are pretty much 1:1 at the moment I was stunned! I'll be keeping my gynae and my dentist in Switzerland because I've been with them for years and I like them, but I think if I need anything else I'll look around in France in future! I'm sure the insurance company would be grateful too!

And finally, getting back to the subject of resigning, Jordan finished work on Friday but even though he was off on Monday he asked if I'd have Charlie on Monday for a few hours (he is only in the crèche Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays) so he could run around. No problem of course. Then this morning he had to stop back in at work to sign some more papers and pick up his pay cheque, and then just before lunch stopped in at an employment agency to sign up for temporary work. About an hour later he sent me a voice mail he received from them to say he starts work tomorrow and she will have long term contracts for him any time he wants! I'm delighted for him because, as he admitted himself, it boosted his confidence no end. He even told me that he went into plumbing because if he lost his job he wanted to know that the work would come to him rather than him having to go out looking for it! Smart move! He then had a follow-up appointment with the employment agency lady this afternoon and I was pretty impressed with the complete dossier he had put together for her. He didn't know how much the salary would be but in any case they are obliged to pay more than he was earning with Max because there is no job security of course! So great news, he knows he can get work any time he needs it. In fact he wants to work in France for the next month and then in August they will be taking a couple of weeks off, and after that he's going to start seriously looking in Geneva. Either way, if he will be making more than with Max they're set, but I'm so, so pleased for them both - their relief is palpable, even though we all knew he could do it!


  1. Congratulations to Jordan. A plumber, electrician, and mechanic sure are needed. We'll, lucky you, president again. I'm feeling bad for my daughter who's back to the lovely world of fast/ take out food with incompetent coworkers, stressed and crabby supervisors, and customers that think it's ok to verbally abuse the help. She's going to have a long summer, but with luck, she'll launch a career next year at this time.

    1. I don't think I could take the abuse from customers, to be honest. I don't know how some people think it's ok to abuse waiters, fast food employees, airport staff etc. because it would never occur to me! And besides, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar!

  2. Well, congratulations on your continuing presidency!
    And good news about Jorden, for sure. I know they must have been worried, even if deep down they knew all would be okay.

    1. Thanks! Of course we knew he would be ok because there is such demand, but as they say, "it ain't over till the fat lady sings" (and I've been singing all day)!

  3. I have way too many trees around my house for solar panels. Over here, plumbers get paid extremely well, sometimes too well. But then everything is expensive here.

    1. I reckon my house would be ideal for solar panels so I've been checking out this company and have some questions. We'll see I guess. Oh and believe me, plumbers who work independently here can make a fortune too (their hourly rates are fantastic), but he doesn't have the equipment (or confidence) yet to go solo. I'm just so pleased that they are both getting more settled!

  4. I had my first abuse from a customer when I turned 18 and worked at TG&Y. I was almost in tears when I had to call the manager because a customer made my register off. The manager said to pay no attention to those people. He asked what I said to him afterwards. Nothing. He praised that. So, customers never fazed me. Be an ass because you will be gone soon. I just concentrated on the next customer. I worked for a friend who watched me smile at a customer for ten minutes as she was being very annoying. She asked me afterwards how I could stay calm, smile, and be nice. I don't know. Now, I might invite her to leave. lol

    He was wise to choose a vocation in demand. If commodes or plumbing quits screwing up, he might worry. We will get those repaired.

    1. I still don't reckon I could do customer service but I had heard there is an "art" to it that can be learned! And I agree, Jordan was wise to choose a trade - plenty of work right?

  5. Plumbers will always have work.

    1. It's hard physical work but from your lips to God's ears!

  6. I was laughing about how not to resign. They must love you!
    Your son will always be able to find work as long as people wipe and flush, or do dishes!

    1. Yeah I like my sewing group as they're fun - I'm just fed up of sewing at the moment! As for Jordan he was working on three new-build apartment blocks when he quit but as you say, as long as people wipe and flush he will always have work!

  7. Now which career advice book gave you that resignation advice? ;) gave me a good chuckle! Good on Jordan, his skills will always be in demand!

    1. The "Mr. Bean Book On How To Win Friends And Influence People"!

  8. Resigning is never easy or without some trauma is it? Maybe next year..

    1. I know - we'll see how it goes this year and how I feel at the end of the season. Third time lucky?
