The view from my window

The view from my window
The view from my window

Thursday 9 December 2021

Bloody hypocrites!

I guess it's a good thing I went to Annecy to do some shopping today because I reckon if I had written this post last night or this morning my blood pressure would have gone through the roof! I'm much calmer now thankfully - but then I haven't finished writing either have I?

So the latest example of Boris Johnson's assholery to hit the fan stands a chance, in my humble opinion, of being the one that brings the arrogant bastard down - eventually. Let's hope so, is all I can say! The problem is, he's far from being the only one who thinks he gets to dictate the rules but that they only apply to "the little people"!

There's a leaked video doing the rounds of Macron and a whole bunch of people having an unmasked, non-socially-distanced knees-up at the Elysée Palace recently (I can't be arsed to go looking for the link, but believe me it's out there)! Then I wrote a post recently about how the French PM had come down with covid - goodness knows where he caught it, but masking up and social distancing weren't his forte either!

Castex and the French Minister of the Interior recently!

Then what about California Governor Gavin Newsom who, while exhorting people to keep socially distant and wear masks, was caught out with his wife and a whole bunch of other people at the fancy French Laundry restaurant! See, the rules don't apply to them do they!

And of course they definitely don't apply to Boris Johnson and his cronies - never have, never will! Johnson likes to play the "loveable buffoon" but he's actually a callous prick who once set light to a £50 note in front of a homeless man! Yeah, loveable buffoon my arse!

Then there's the rest of them - in no particular order:

Matt Hancock, the then Health Minister, not keeping at all socially distant recently with his side-piece, something which eventually cost him his marriage and his job!

Matt Hancock

Or what about ol' chipmunk cheeks, Michael Gove, who flew to Portugal to watch the football and then claimed he "didn't have to self-isolate" on his return because he'd suddenly become part of a never-before-heard-of trial to see how people travelling overseas got on if they didn't self-isolate!

Chipmunk Cheeks Gove

Or there was "My Brains Are Too Big For My Head" former Johnson "bestie" who "thought there was something wrong with his eyes" so got in his car and drove 100 miles to "test them out" (as you do) while the country was in strict lockdown!

Dominic Cummings

Or how about Hooray Henry in Chief, Jacob Rees-Mogg, who inherited £180 million when his father died (do any of them ever get anywhere on merit?). There's a video of him somewhere around the age of 14 speaking with an accent like he's got a poker up his arse while being driven to school in a Rolls-Royce! This is the genius whose solution to the U.K.'s truck driver shortage was to make the test easier by "cutting out the part of the test where they had to reverse"!!! No kidding, that was the solution poker arse came up with????? And of course, the only time Rees-Mogg was ever seen "socially-distancing" was when he felt it appropriate to have a lie down when Parliament was in session!

Jacob Rees-Mogg

Anyway, what bought this rant on is that a couple of days ago news/videos were leaked of (I think) three Christmas parties that were held at No. 10 (Downing Street - the home of the Prime Minister) this time last year while the whole country was in strict lockdown. People were banned from having contact with anyone outside their immediate bubble, they couldn't be with their loved ones in hospital or as they were dying alone in nursing homes. And then of course they were obliged to have "zoom funerals". What the bloody hell is a "zoom funeral"? - where all but immediate family were prevented from seeing off their loved ones in person!!!! On a side note I'm glad both my mom and brother died before this shit happened because I can't even begin to imagine how devastating it would have been for them (and us) to have them die alone!

So back to the plot. Boris Johnson and the current Mrs. Johnson (they say when you marry your mistress you create a vacancy and he does have form!) live in the apartment above the PM's offices at No. 10 Downing Street, where last year definitely two, if not three, parties were held. Last week E.T.'s big brother, Sajid Javid, categorically denied that any parties had taken place - categorically!

Sajid Javid, the new Health Minister

Things then started to go pear-shaped and Dominic Raab - ah yes, Dominic Raab ... He used to be the Foreign Minister who once, when talking about increasing covid cases in Réunion (which is French) made some comment words to the effect that "wouldn't it be terrible if they got on the metro in Paris and the numbers exploded" and someone had to explain to the poor dolt that Réunion is an island in the Indian Ocean so the likelihood of them catching the Paris metro was little to none! Anyway, after he categorically refused to come back off his fancy holiday when they started withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, leaving some poor underling in the British Ambassador's office to get as many British citizens out of there as possible, Dominic Raab was transferred to the new position of Justice Secretary????? Just a couple of days ago Raab said he "had no knowledge of any parties going on at No. 10, but if they did (what? they were banned!!!!) he was certain protocols had been followed! Say what? Then he tried to say that as it happened a year ago the police wouldn't look into it as it was "old news". Again, say what??? They are still prosecuting the plebs at the moment for holding parties last year, and if there was any doubt in Raab's mind that parties actually took place at No. 10, why didn't he ask the police officers who are permanently stationed outside the front door?

Dominic Raab - light's on, nobody's home!

Anyway, as rumblings got louder and leaked videos found their way into the public domain, not a single Conservative Minister was available to talk to mainstream media. Apparently Javid was scheduled to be intereviewed by one media channel but pulled out because there's not one of them that can find a single pathetic excuse for what happened at No. 10!

So why is this all coming to light now, after a year? Well it's obviously politically motivated. Someone waited until Bojo was flailing more than usual and leaked the videos the day before Prime Minister's Question Time (PMQs) so that he'd have less time to come up with an excuse! Oh he tried to bluster his way through it of course, saying that "he had no idea this was going on" (he lives in the flat above the office and didn't hear 50+ people having a party???) but he would ask one of his flakies to "look into it" and he would take "appropriate action"! What's the betting more leaked video comes out actually showing him at one of the parties? Not saying it will, but I think that's where I'd put my money!

Keir Starmer, the new leader of the Labour Party, is a lawyer and a smart man, and he, and the Scottish MP, Ian Blackford (and others) did a good job of pinning down Johnson who was squirming like bait on a hook. And oddly enough, while it was expected that Conservative MPs would avoid PMQs, they didn't and it was they that were yelling out "hypocrite" as Johnson was denying all knowledge of any parties! (On a side note, the former leader of the Labour Party was Jeremy Corbyn, who was so unpalatable as a leader that Johnson was elected to power because there was basically no opposition. My nephew is a life-long Labour supporter and works in the Labour Party archives and I think even he has hope for Labour at the next election)!

You might not want to watch the whole video, but if you do, Ant and Dec (see 15 seconds) are two British comedians who picked up on the brewing storm even before the papers published anything. At 1.40 minutes you see Allegra Stratton, a Johnson adviser, and a whole bunch of other people a couple of days after one of the parties joking about how they would respond to questions if "it ever got out", and at 2.30 minutes you have Mr. Poker Up His Arse, Jacob Rees-Mogg laughing and joking about what a "jolly jape" they were all having and "of course they were all socially-distanced because they only had to be two inches apart didn't they"?

Allegra Stratton has already been thrown under the bus and has resigned, but methinks Boris will have to order a whole new fleet of buses for all the other people he will throw under the bus while he desperately tries to cling to power!

Today, as I was leaving home to drive to Annecy I drove past the village primary school, where a whole bunch of little kids were running around outside playing with masks on, thus solidifying the idea that the rules only apply to "the little people"!

Rant over, I'm going to bed!


  1. Wow! Thanks for that! I'd heard something about the Christmas parties, but over we have our assholes to deal with. BoJo is a true Conservataive.

    1. Oh the assholes are everywhere, I know, but what SHOULD have brought this lot down would be handing out millions of £££££ in contracts for PPEs to buddies who were not even in the business and didn't come up with the goods. Or when MP Owen Patterson was caught out in a cash-for-influence scandal recently, instead of "investigating" they tried to disband the investigative committee! So it will be ironic indeed if it's a Christmas party that brings him/them down!

  2. Do as I say, not as I do. Fucking hell.

    1. They're all the same aren't they!!!

    2. No, not all politicians. My old neighbor was a politician. He was a good man, through and through. He picked up garbage in our neighborhood and babysat my youngest for me when I had to pick up my other kids from sports. He didn't last but I've met others because of him, people that went into politics to try and make things better.

    3. Trouble is - at least now - the good ones aren't cut-throat and most likely will never get anywhere. Sad, isn't it!

  3. You rant away! I hate politicians- the whole lot are or will become power how has hungry arrogant gits.

    1. Ha ha, I occasionally feel a rant coming on (with good cause mostly) and now I'm thinking it's time to start sharpening up the guillotine!

  4. An Honest Politician is an oxymoron, isn't it? Hate them all, but ours are on top of my list.

    1. I think with yours you at least know where you stand. This lot are snivelling two-faced liars. Not sure which I prefer actually!

  5. Good rant, well deserved, to those folks in charge who set the rules then ignore them.

    1. This one has really hit a nerve because people couldn't be with their dying loved ones and these wankers were partying it up and laughing at everyone behind their backs!

  6. What probably started out as a decent system hundreds of years ago has become a complete moras of the scummiest of the scum, hasn't it?

    1. I think the original intentions were good - and then money got involved and we all know how much money corrupts. Hell it's going on right now as we speak!

  7. A concise summary of political hypocrisy. Thanks. As has been proved, Covid is not a disease of the poor and supposedly intelligent leaders should know better.

    1. It was a bit of a rant wasn't it - but it makes me so mad. If it really is that serious shouldn't they be playing by the rules also?

  8. Keir Starmer is not a smart man. He is cowardly, passive and stupid. No woman should trust him to stand on their side. Many women are leaving the Labour party. It is possible that next election, the Conservatives will win again, with an even more resounding victory. As they will in the US. The Right are all-round lunatics and the Left are woke lunatic misogynistic fascists. However, at this point, the Left presents an extraordinary and dangerous threat to women and young girls.

    1. I stand corrected on Starmer. I spoke to my nephew last night and he put me straight on Starmer on a few issues (side jobs being one of them). I think Jeremy Corbyn was just so unpalatable that there might have been hope with Starmer - but even my nephew thinks he won't get in! God help us all!

  9. Fingers crossed thar we are actually witnessing the beginning of the end. Odd though that finally the media are united in honing in on the lies and subterfuge relating to Christmas parties a year ago, when many outlets refused to call Johnson out for the same over Brexit and his mishandling of the pandemic response - both of which are wreaking greater damage on the country than a bowl of nuts and some party poppers!

    1. Johnson should have been out on his ear for so many reasons, not least of all handing multi-million £ PPE contracts to those not even in the industry, so it will be ironic if a Christmas party ends up being his downfall!
