The view from my window

The view from my window
The view from my window

Tuesday 2 November 2021

I see the Climate Change conference is a big success then!

I had already seen the photo of Biden asleep, but thanks to Marksgran I just looked up the Bojo picture! Must be a thrilling, action-packed meeting!

It's good to know we're all in good  hands!


  1. What a sad state of affairs the world is in.

  2. To be fair to both, when in long meetings, I often close my eyes just to think on what is being said from time to time. It can be sensory overload to see and listen when so much information is being presented. Now, if snoring was heard....

    1. Oh I get it absolutely because I abhorred meetings and the posturings of many of the speakers who seemed only to want to hear themselves speak. Regarding Biden, they played the audio of the speaker and I think I would have fallen asleep too! Still, it's not a good look is it!

  3. At least Biden was wearing a mask....

    1. Yeah Boris couldn't even be arsed to wear a mask sitting next to national treasure, Sir David Attenborough!

  4. I do close my eyes when listening, especially to music. I have synesthesia and sometimes the flashing colors in my brain are overwhelming so I have to shut out the visual.

    1. These meetings are excruciating (I've sat through many) so I get it, but as I said above, it's not a good look is it!

  5. Have these people not heard of amphetamines?
    (Just a joke.)

    1. While I've slept through a few of these myself you'd think their lackeys would have them hooked up to an intravenous drip wouldn't you!

  6. It wouldn't surprise me if a photographer shared a pic that caught a politician mid-blink, either, to undermine someone. They've done worse. That said, I find meetings and conferences so long and dull that I will do almost anything to avoid them. I'd hate to be in these guys' shoes. -Kate

    1. it was also on video, so a bit longer than a blink ;) Better them then me at something like that.

    2. Oh I absolutely agree, having sat through so many of those damn things! When we had to sit behind the podium we were constantly running back and forth picking up copies of statements for the interpreters so we didn't have time to fall asleep, but if I didn't have to be on my toes for that I know I'd have been snoring with the best of them!

  7. They are paid the big bucks to stay awake and alert. Biden at least did have the excuse of jet lag I suppose! No hope for us, they are all as bad as each other.

    1. Very often in our meetings they'd have their minions sit in on the meeting and then call them when "their turn" was up. I'm sure they don't sit there eight hours a day. But you're right, they're paid big bucks so ...

  8. Have to admit from footage of the protests outside, they seem a little more invigorating. Relying on the world’s politicians to sort this, doesn’t engender much confidence or hope!

    1. There's an awful lot of posturing going on in these meetings isn't there. And I can't say I expect anything to come of it sadly.
