The view from my window

The view from my window
The view from my window

Monday 7 May 2018

Missing in action!

I've been MIA for a little while because everything seems to be blowing up around here - although thankfully it is just stuff and not me or my family! I will write more on the ongoing saga of "oh bloody hell not another one" soon. Needless to say I have been extremely busy at work (it's that time of year where everything is getting frantic) and then "stuff" keeps happening, but to put things in their proper perspective we are all healthy and happy and I have a good enough job to be able to repair the "stuff".

My office colleague and I were chatting away this morning catching up on each other's weekends and I mentioned something about the latest episode in the "Trump/Stormy" saga. She doesn't read the papers nor watch the news as she finds it too depressing (I did ask if she knew that Princess Diana was dead) so I started to explain a little behind the ongoing drama of Trump and Stormy - "no I didn't", "well yes I did reimburse my lawyer, but no I didn't have an affair with her", "so yeah I did give her the money but not as hush money, rather just to make her go away"! We were laughing and I said if a man like Trump had nothing to hide he would not pay her to go away, he has the resources to "sue her for blasphemy ... err, I mean, slander". We both roared laughing and she said, I think you may have been right the first time! Freudian or what!


  1. We are calling it the White House Soap Operas. Seems men in power positions have trouble with their zippers. (though I am not a Trump fan I am not limiting it to just him.)

    1. I can't bear the tangerine buffoon and I do believe he is making a laughing stock of the White House but you are right - so many men in power anywhere believe they can get away with murder. The obvious is Clinton I suppose but my first thought was DSK.

    2. Well we know in the White House alone it has been documented as far back as FDR. Some presidents have been blatant and some discrete but we live in a new reality now where everything is documented on multi devices. Of course it is not just presidents. People in power almost always find a way to abuse it, I wish we could throw out everyone (both parties) and have a do-over.

  2. So, they had a consenting affair, 10 years earlier. Apparently that gives her the right to bribe him to stay quiet or she'll go public. Whatever! They are all a joke - both sides.

    1. Trouble is, whatever happened in the past (in the Kennedy era say) you could potentially keep discreet. That's just not possible nowadays though.

  3. Two friends and chat for times about many things:)

  4. The good thing about everything going bust now is that once it's all fixed you should be clear of problems for a little theory.

    Trump is so full of garbage and the amazing bit is he thinks we believe it!

    1. They say if you buy all your white goods together they all break together of course. As for the Donald, I think he really believes he is all that and a bag of chips.
