The view from my window

The view from my window
The view from my window

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Been absent for a few days!

Not that I had done anything fantastic for Easter but my neighbour, her daughter and I headed off to the hot springs at Lavey on Good Friday. It should only take about 90 minutes to get there but due to an accident it took three hours! Still, you know women - we yacked for three solid hours, sorting out world peace and all that! Then just when I had a chance to get off the motorway and "go around the accident", the traffic started moving again only about 100 metres further along! Still, we had a lovely few hours together in the springs. I knew it would do M good as she suffers from arthritis and seemed to love the pummeling from the stronger jets. That would have been a great day out I guess but for some reason I felt really cold when I got out. Probably didn't dry my hair properly and that was a definite mistake in this crappy weather. Honestly, it seems like we have had non-stop rain since Christmas - interspersed with the occasional snow fall. Like so many others I'm totally fed up of it now and spring can show up anytime it wants!

I didn't do much over Easter but to add to my stupidity I decided, like always, to pressure spray my back terrace to clean up some of the grime from the winter. Only problem was, by this time most years the weather is starting to warm up but this time the rain started when I was about 30 minutes into it - then followed by a little snow - and stubborn old me decided I wasn't giving up and I was getting the damn thing finished one way or another. Which, in the end meant getting soaking wet and sick as a dog for the next two days. I really should get it in my head that I'm not 25 anymore and I just can't go on pretending like I am.  Anyway, the good news (if you can call it that) is that I didn't feel like eating for about three days and when I weighed myself this morning I am down a total of 8 lbs. Of course I'm pretty sure some of that will go back on when I get back to normal but .... I'll take what I can get at the moment.

So sorry not to have been commenting on your blogs lately but I intend to get back to it when I feel a bit better.


  1. The hot springs sounds really nice! We have one nearby here that we should go to sometime. It's only about a 30-45 min drive. DH just doesn't seem to do well with his muscles heated up like that, so we haven't tried it. Hope you feel better soon!

    1. They are particularly good in the winter rather than the summer when the difference in temperatures is most pronounced. My neighbour LOVED it - and she really suffers - arthritis, scoliosis, etc. I suggested it to her as a less costly alternative to physio. And it was the pummeling that did it for her. I hope he gives it a go sometime.

  2. Hope you feel better! You sound like my husband, won't give up until it's done (does drive me a bit bonkers, I refuse to work in the rain). Well done on your weight loss! Who cares what the reason is :)

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog(Nest Egg Not Withstanding) and leaving a comment !! My first!!! So glad you did and i look forward to reading up on your blog and keeping up with your journey!!

    1. I look forward to reading your blog and wish you luck. Glad I'm the first to comment - let's share a virtual glass of champagne!

  4. Hah! My mother was still telling me not to go out with wet hair even when I was in my 30's and older! I guess mothers really DO know best :) We have had snow for the past 3 days. I remember April from 2 years ago - sunny and 22-25c most of the month. Talk about climate change!!

    1. I even know better than to go out with wet hair, but then to add wet feet and snow a couple of days later I must have hit my head somewhere. Still I paid for it by feel liking crap. And yes the weather is weird. Snow on Monday (but not much) and then 20 degrees today and shorts weather.
