I got virtually nothing done yesterday, despite having every intention of going for a walk and then coming home and getting stuck in. In my defence, I didn't get to bed until 3 a.m. as we'd had another board game evening Saturday night (finishing up at 1 a.m.) but since I can't go to sleep straight away I was up reading until the early morning hours! Still, it annoys me a bit when I just sit around and do not much of anything, so thankfully today has been better!
I decided to go to our local market last Thursday for the first time in ages, and I'm so glad I did. We have farmers' markets every day round here in different towns, with ours being on Thursday mornings. It's one of the larger markets with, I would guess, maybe 50 stalls, and it was such a treat to get out and have a wander in the lovely weather. It's also sociable as there are places to sit and have a drink and you can pretty much guarantee you will bump into at least one person you know (I did - Cynthia from sewing club). A few years ago I bought a pair of very lightweight trousers at the market in Turin and have worn them half to death. They are so easy and comfortable to wear (and cheap too), so I had a wander round and picked up another similar pair (although they do make me look a bit like Andy Pandy)!
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Andy Pandy - remember him? |
I noticed they also have an organic stall (not sure if that was there before), so I'm thinking I might start shopping at the market again to see how it goes and to put money back into the pockets of the local traders, rather than the big stores (I've even dug out my old lady wheelie bag for next week)!
La Roche market! |
My friend and I are off again to Turin market for the day on 10 June and my ex asked what was so great about it if they just sell the same stuff as here. Well it's about 50 times bigger and is a permanent market, but I guess he'll never understand the pure joy of wandering round such a huge market with all the smells, sights and sounds. Plus it's Italy of course!!! Oddly enough, I was talking to the kids about it and they agreed with me that as soon as you come out of the Mont Blanc tunnel into Italy you can feel the whole atmosphere change - I just love it!
There's a big hoo-haa going on here at the moment about a proposal to build a €60 million velodrome in La Roche, with many, many people against it as they feel that money could be better spent. My first thought was that it was for bikes, but when my friend told me she thought it might be for motorbikes that would change everything. I can just imagine the noise and to be honest I can only think of one very small hotel in La Roche, so I just don't see that the infrastructure is there. I don't know, I suppose we'll have to wait and see what they decide!
There has also been a push to encourage people to come up with local initiatives, with small grants being available for anyone whose proposal "passes the sniff test". I've mentioned before that my little village has one restaurant and a bus stop - oh and and one of those book exchange thingies - and that's it. Anyway, one enterprising young lady put forward a proposal to set up a mobile manicure unit and I see that she was successful in winning a small grant to get her started. Apparently she will be in our village on Monday afternoons, so I must show support and stop in for a manicure sometime, even though she'd probably be horrified at the state of my hands!
The mobile manicure unit - I think it's great! |
I had yoga today and it was tough although as usual I felt wonderful when I came out of there. Then I had the pleasure of spending the afternoon on a zoom call with André, who had left it till the very last day to file his French taxes! Wouldn't you know it! He had to transfer his taxes from paper to online so I went through it line by line with him until we got it done. Now he and Jordan just have to file their US taxes and we can all relax!
My ex left last Thursday and made it home safely. I thought he looked terrible to be honest. I think "zombie" was a word that popped into my mind more than once, but I know he's taking lithium (for bipolar) and I also know he's drinking like a fish so I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the state of him. When he was here my stomach was in knots and it was only after he'd left that I realized it was because I was constantly in a state of hypervigilance - just like I used to be when we were married. I don't know if you get what I mean but he wasn't "thoughtless", he just doesn't think and I was forever waiting for the other shoe to drop. For instance at the lake at Passy there is a path that goes all the way round the lake. In order to get to the restaurant there is another path that climbs to maybe ten feet about the lower path. Well ex picked up a huge rock to show Charlie how to throw stones into the lake, and we all yelled at him to stop as there was a young family cycling past on the lower path and he could have hit them! Then when he would play with Charlie we had to remind him he is two, not 12! Or he would wind Lenny the horrible cat up to the point he would scratch him. Lenny's a nasty cat anyway and Jordan and Jen watch him like a hawk because of Charlie, but try telling my ex to leave the cat alone and he just gets worse!
I've always felt like I was forever running round trying to put out forest fires while he was running behind me with a flame-thrower! For the longest time I figured it was thoughtlessness, but I did once read an article that said this was often deliberate - even if subconsciously - because by keeping you on the back foot they always have the upper hand! Interesting! Like the time after we were divorced when he called me as he was not well, and André and I found him lying in the snow in his underwear in February trying to cool down (lithium and booze again, I reckon), and then refusing to go to the hospital. So the next time he pulled that stunt I sent the ambulance directly to his place and then met it at the hospital. So I sit there, and I sit there and I sit here - and after four hours they come out looking for me because he had suddenly felt better and had done a runner, leaving me sitting in ER like a lemon. I also happened to have plans for that day but .....! Or how about the time he smashed his own car up (drunk) and then a few days later totalled the loaner car from the garage (also drunk) - so two cars in one week!
I tried as tactfully as possible to suggest he might want to be more honest with his doctors in the US about his drinking since they "can't find anything wrong with him" (he can't eat and is hunched over like a 90 year old), but that was when it came out that he'd actually cancelled his medical insurance through his employer over here when he retired last August! Well he must have seen my eyes pop out on stalks because his insurance was fantastic, cheap, offered worldwide coverage and would be permanently subsidized by his employer and he cancelled it???????? Apparently he is insured with his partner but I asked him what happened if they split, and did it cover him "over here" anyway. To which he replied that he "didn't know". Oh great, get sick in France - or even worse, in Switzerland - and you don't know if you're covered!!!!
So there you have it. While it was fine between us and I'm glad he's gotten to see Charlie again, as soon as that plane took off I felt all the tension drain out of my body and while I don't wish him ill, I'm just so, so, so glad I am no longer his chaos janitor and don't have to deal with his BS anymore!
Just to let you know, I've worked with managers who were like your ex, always trying to keep associates on their 'back foot,' as a way to control them.
ReplyDeleteI'm not very astute when it comes to other people but we did have a boss like that before (ol' Batshit Crazy) and she would constantly change plans to keep people hopping. She didn't do it with me so much because I'd been in HR 20 years and knew my stuff, but she sure as heck did it with the other professional - probably because the other lady was pretty, intelligent, sporty and nice - everything ol' Batshit wasn't. With the rest of us she just withheld information!
DeleteHow can anyone not understand the thrill of a wonderful fresh market! So happy for you that your stressor literally flew away!
ReplyDeleteThe smell of a market or, even better, a suq, is just heavenly isn't it! After the market I went to the Chinese market and my day was complete! And as for my ex, yep, him moving back to the States was the best thing for all of us because even after the divorce he still lived in the local area and we were all still too close for comfort!
Delete"Chaos janitor" is an excellent phrase. I can see why having an ocean between the two of you is so comforting.
ReplyDeleteI was actually surprised at how strongly it affected me - just praying he wouldn't screw up again and I'd be left having to sort it out! Thank god for the Atlantic ocean, is all I can say!
DeleteFarmers markets are truly my happy place also! Enjoy visiting all of the ones near you. I'm glad to hear nothing major happened with your ex and that he is now gone. I can see why it would feel stressful. Enjoy the rest of your week.
ReplyDeleteFarmers' markets in the sunshine are unbeatable aren't they, always so full of possibilities (until I bring it all home)! And as I say, my ex didn't actually do anything to upset me, but I was surprised at how on tenterhooks I was, so yeah, it's just as well he doesn't live over here any more!
DeleteOn a much smaller scale I totally understand your feelings about your ex. Glad he is back on his side of the world, a shame he doesn't care enough about himself to get his health sorted out. He cannot see the small joys (or any joy) in life, hence his confusion about the markets, lol!
ReplyDeleteIt saddens me somewhat because there is distance between now and the horrors of when we were married. Still, the responsibility for your own health and happiness rests squarely on your own shoulders doesn't it. I don't know whether he is happy or not but, as I say, it's all up to him now!
DeleteMobile Manicure Unit sounds like a great idea especially in suburban/rural areas. Few years ago, I had a flat and as I was searching for help around me, I came across this mobile tire van service. The guy came, took out the tire and fixed it right in his van and put it back on. He had everything to fix a tire in his van. I thought it was an excellent idea. On another note, I am glad your ex went back to where he belongs especially if his presence is stressful for you. Bipolarism and alcohol don't mix well.
ReplyDeleteI think this young lady is very enterprising and I hope it works out for her. There are quite a few small food vans like that too that sprang up during the pandemic and I hope they're here to stay. As for my ex, you're so right. Bipolar isn't just awful for the sufferer, it nearly killed me too!
DeleteYour ex husband sounds like a nighmare. I'm sure your life is much calmer and happier without him in it. I think if I had my life to live over, I might not ever marry.
ReplyDeleteMy life did a complete 180 when we divorced - oh and I'm with you. I wouldn't marry if I had my life to do over again. I know there are some happy marriages out there but I don't know too many of them!
DeleteI was hyperventilating with you, just reading that account - glad you survived to help get the tax return in too. Sounds like you needed the Yoga session after all that.
ReplyDeleteYou would not believe how glad I am to be divorced. Never again, never again!