It's been a strange sort of week this past week. After the big snow dump the other day I spent some time outside shovelling. Not a lot, to be honest, but it's so much easier to get it cleared when it's fresh rather than wait until it's frozen solid! When I'd finished I closed up the garage, walked through the front door and "poof" - no bloody electricity! I knew immediately that it wasn't anything to do with my house because you get that "pop" sound when a fuse blows. No, I reckon this was a local problem, most likely heavy snow bringing down some cables. Who knows! It was already getting dark and if you remember I posted recently about buying six magnetic LED lights and installing them at various spots around my home. So I went round and flicked four of them on and viola (as no-one here in France says), let there be light! Damn I felt invincible, a bit like a cross between Bear Grylls and Ray Mears! I'd even made a point on the first of the month to ensure they were fully charged! How's that for smug. I knew I'd be ok as my stove top is gas rather than electric, but I figured bread and cheese would do for dinner anyway.
The roads were clear this morning but we're expecting more snow starting tonight! |
So I was bundled up reading on my sofa with a magnetic light behind me when my sister called to thank me for their anniversary card. She and my BIL celebrated 50 years of marriage on 9 December and went away to Dublin for four days as a treat. She said Dublin was bitterly cold and wet (I'm not sure that ever really bothers the Brits) but they had a wonderful time anyway. A wonderful time, that is except for the Albanian illegals! Their taxi driver was telling them that they fly in to Dublin, dump their passports and any other ID and then take off running. Parts of Dublin are now practically overrun and particularly dangerous because of knife crime and just generally filthy. I see what's going on on the south east coast of England with the illegals coming over from France by dinghy (though not all are Albanians), but hadn't realized they were actually flying into Ireland and doing the same over there. Albania is not in the EU and so while they have every right to enter EU countries they are not supposed to stay more than three months. Well good luck with that! I see the new Swedish government has just informed Brussels that (a) they will no longer be spending the EU-required percentage of GDP on foreign aid, and (b) they will automatically refuse asylum requests from anyone found to be Albanian on the grounds that Albania is not at war! Damn, talk about importing more problems!
As I was finishing up snow clearing my neighbours pulled in and as fate would have it, they also just "celebrated" their 50th wedding anniversary, having gotten married the exact same day and year as my sister and BIL. As she got out the car I wished her a happy anniversary and she "shushed me" and told me not to mention it! He's pretty deaf anyway but she told me later that, as she knew would happen, he hadn't wished her a happy anniversary and, in fact, hadn't spoken to her all day! How sad is that!
In other news, I'm still making (admittedly very slow) progress on sorting and getting rid of stuff. The other day I came across a bunch of cards and going through them I found a birthday card from Steve (who died about three years ago) and Brian (who I met in Turkey and I'm guessing died about the same time), from my brother and his wife (both also now dead) and my friend H, who died in Australia almost a year ago now! I finally felt able to get rid of most of the cards but have hung onto those few cards for the time being until I might feel able to get rid of them too!
I also showed a bit more enthusiasm in the kitchen this week and made "chocolate crinkle cookies" (a complete disaster, they would make better frisbees) and a very unusual parnsip and apple soup (from "Oh Crumbs!" blog) which was surprisingly good! Then last night I was at a bit of a loss so decided to flick through Netflix to see if anything good was on. Turns out there wasn't so I ended up watching a Norwegian film called Troll and my goodness, I don't know if it was meant to be a comedy or what, but it was bloody awful, even if the special effects were halfway decent! When I see something like that I often wonder if the actors - assuming they become famous later- are embarrassed by it or if that's just par for the course! Heck I believe Courtney Cox advertised tampax before finding fame on Friends!
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Troll! |
Yesterday I had some running around to do so decided to stop in at the local library to drop off my books. I wondered about the road up to the library, what with all the snow, but it was ok getting up there. However getting out of there was another matter altogether! The two main routes out of the old town are cobbled stone and steep so as the one had been blocked off I followed the car in front of me over to the other exit. However, I hadn't seen the "diversion" signs and he and I ended up blocked on a little back street in the old town with seemingly no way to get out! In the end we decided to take a one way street the wrong way - well it was about 10 metres the wrong way - and we were able to get out that way and follow a few other cars down through the fields back into town! Yikes, I don't think I'll do that again and it certainly put paid to any quaint idea I might have about moving into the old town!
Where Jordan and Jen live there are three young families on their floor, each with a young child. The youngest is Charlie and the oldest is Tia, who is a year older, and the three families often get together for pizza and play dates. Anyway, dad next door is a volunteer firefighter so the three Munchkins got to sit in a fire truck the other day before going up the mountain to go sledding! Jen said they had a blast!
My house was where the red flag is - 48 Dunton Road. As you can imagine, we kids would always be either playing in the woods or down at the lake! |
When something unexpected happens it is a good feeling to be prepared to handle it.
ReplyDeleteThat is so sad about those children. I honestly have no idea how people move on with a tragedy like that. It's just heart breaking.
And your sad to not have your husband say anything on your 50th Anniversary. I don't know if I could have been as gracious as she was.
Regarding the little kids I don't think you ever DO get over it - maybe just learn to handle it in a "socially acceptable way", i.e. you learn to not make other people feel uncomfortable after X years! I don't know, but it' just awful. As for my neighbours, when I mentioned it a few weeks ago she knew it would be like this. Hell I bought her flowers for her birthday and he gets her nothing. They just don't speak unless they have to. How sad is that?
DeleteI'm heartbroken about the children. You deserve a pat in the back for being so prepared. Lesson to us all, and not snug.
ReplyDeleteI HATE to think, "oh I should have" when the electricity goes out and since they've been threatening us with regular blackouts (thank you Macron and Russian sanctions - which are not hurting Russia in the slightest) I thought I should get prepared. That being said, if the power had been off for a long time it would have gotten cold too so I've now made up my log fire ready to hit "go" just in case. And as for those children, I don't know what to say. I'm sure "if only" will haunt those families forever!
DeleteThe power doesn't go out here often, but when it does I light candles. I have some really nice candelabras. And I have to admit, there are times when I like watching really bad sci-fi, horror films. I forgot Troll was on, thanks for reminding me. Now, all I have to do is pick a small bottle of wine.
ReplyDeleteI have quite a few candles too but never use them. That being sad, I lit a couple the other night and it was nice and as you so rightly point out, all that was missing was the wine! But then again, blackouts and wine don't really go together - well not "electricity blackouts". The other kind, I'm sure, go hand-in-hand!
DeleteSo much difficulty and sadness in the world. Thank you, though, for the picture of those three beautiful children. You be careful on those roads!
ReplyDeleteThese are tough times, but a tragedy like those young children drowning hits harder than anything for me. As for the Munchkins, they are good buddies (as far as littles can be buddies anyway) and it's great socializing for them. We got more snow overnight and I was out shovelling for about an hour this morning but it wasn't so bad. Think we're in for more tonight though. We'll see, I guess, but there's not much we can do about it anyway. Still, it's SOOOOO pretty - and just in time for Christmas too!
DeleteThat is sad about Celine Dion being ill with what sounds like a dreadful disease. You confused me with the store about Birmingham since I live in Birmingham, AL, and I could not remember that incident! Cute kids. I want chocolate crinkle cookies.
ReplyDeleteCéline has been ill for over a year now but has only just opened up about her diagnosis. Horrible, horrible illness, it must be so frightening! As for Birmingham, I grew up in Birmngham, but in England, so sorry about that. And you wouldn't want my crinkle cookies, I can promise you that. They were terrible. I can bake but not cookies, apparently!
DeleteOh dear, you bring together so many tragic stories all linked to winter weather. Roll on the summer!
ReplyDeleteI read yesterday that the one surviving child (6 years old) had also died. Two brothers and a cousin who went to feed the ducks and a 10 year old who, I believe tried to help them! It's just so tragic. And while I don't mind the winter, I always feel so much happier when spring rolls around!