As so often seems to happen, I ran out of steam last weekend so ended up taking a couple of days off from being Bizzy Lizzie! It wasn't too bad though as I still got a lot done! On Friday I picked Jen and Charlie up from the Ford garage and they spent the day here while her car was being worked on. Since she loves putting Christmas decorations up and I hate it, we traded - I cooked and played with Charlie and she got my tree decorated, so we're all happy! I made a rather good split pea and ham soup for lunch - which was a darn sight better than the butternut squash soup I made the other day - or maybe the problem is that I just don't actually like butternut squash! I guess that begs the question "why buy it", right? Don't know really, but I do keep trying!
That's the nice thing about autumn and winter though, isn't it. There's not much that can't be improved by making "bottom of the fridge" soup or quiche! That being said, it's so mild here it's unbelievable. Facebook keeps reminding me that "on this day xxx years ago" the back garden was covered in snow, and while the snow line is creeping ever closer, so far we've mainly just had sunshine and what I would consider above average temperatures! Long may it last!
Jordan is still working up at Flaine (altitude 1,600 metres) and was saying that they have to put snow chains on every morning and evening. Sooner him than me! I remember one time years ago it had snowed overnight and as I was going grocery shopping my friend asked if she could come with me. So the two of us spent the best part of an hour farting around trying to get snow chains on my car - and this despite the fact that the bird in the adverts manages it in about 10 minutes in a pink cashmere sweater and with immaculate false nails (my eye!!!). So we rolled about in the snow for an hour and finally got the bloody chains in place, turned right out of our little subdivision and about 30 metres down the road the snow had all melted!!!! Anyway, all that to say that Jen was talking about Jordan wanting to buy a Milwaukee self-heating jacket. I'd never heard of them but seemingly you insert a battery (shaped like a stick of dynamite) into the jacket and it heats the entire thing up for xxx number of hours! How neat is that! So of course I went online and two days later both the jacket and the rechargeable batteries had arrived! I'd already got all my Christmas shopping done but what the heck!
At yoga on Monday we worked on the "salute the moon" set of exercises (as opposed to "salute the sun") and boy did I feel like I'd been hit by a truck afterwards! Since I was on a roll I also went to the gym for a short-ish workout on the old bingo wings and now I'm discovering aches in places I didn't even know I had places!
Then on Tuesday evening I went to a course at the library in a neighbouring village on how to make your own cleaning products. While it was good, as Jen said, it seemed to call for quite a lot of different items. So the next day I went online and found a recipe for homemade fabric softener - which cost me about 40 centimes to make and gives my laundry a pretty nice smell too!
While I was at sewing club the other week the Mayor of the village that gives us the use of their village hall (and gives us a small subsidy) stopped by to say hallo as he was coming from a meeting in the same building. I got chatting to him and what a nice guy he is. One of the ladies mentioned that I'd just driven to Thonon to pick up a new serger and he told me to "remember to put in for my mileage". Huh? I had no intention of asking for petrol money but he said they actually had money in the accounts and to make sure I put in for it. When I checked out the mileage, turns out I was owed almost €40, so I'm glad he was kind enough to mention it! I was all the more glad I put in for it yesterday, though, when I received a speeding ticket for €45 related to my trip to Thonon! I don't use that road often and had forgotten that there are radars all along it, and while I was only 8 km over the limit I still got done! Don't suppose the accounts would run to covering that huh - nah, didn't think so! Oh well, no good deed goes unpunished, as they say!
Then on Monday afternoon I had another appointment at the gynae's. I'm having to go every three months at the moment but it's nothing he nor I are particularly worried about - just something he wants to keep an eye on for a year! As I was about to leave I mentioned my recent mammogram (I go every two years) and he asked when I'd had it done as he hadn't received anything. When I said about six-eight weeks ago he was steaming mad, saying that he didn't know what was going on with that clinic but mine wasn't the first mamo that he hadn't received and that it was unacceptable! I told him the doctor had told me that everything was fine, but as he rightly said, if things hadn't been fine we had just wasted two months when he could have been following up on it. He was right of course, but then - rather strangely, I thought - he said he didn't know about me, but he was finding that in his profession at the moment the "I don't give a shit" attitude was becoming all too prevalent! The weird thing is I had to agree with him! Not because I'd been on the receiving end of poor treatment myself - not at all - but I've been seeing more and more people commenting about poor attitudes and service in the medical field! How funny that he should say that! Anyway, his office is in the centre of Geneva and I always park in the underground car park that serves the hospital and I hate it! This time half the lights were turned off and even if it was with a view to saving on electricity, I felt very uncomfortable down five floors in the dark on my own! Then, I hate pulling out of that car park because I find the winding exit ramp so tight! And I'm sure I'm not the only one because while Europeans generally tend to drive smaller cars due to our petrol prices, not everyone drives a mini either! And wouldn't you know it, as I was pulling out, for the first time ever I heard a screeching sound of concrete against metal! Bugger! When I got home I took at look at my car and it doesn't appear too bad. It seems I didn't hit the wall as much as scrape my low-slung Ford along the sidewalk leading out of the parking lot! But again, "damn and bugger it"!
On a more positive note, I received the annual cost-of-living adjustment notice from our Pension Fund and while it's a measly 3.3%, I guess that's better than a poke in the eye with a wet fish! The 3.3% represents the cost-of-living increase (average, I guess) in Switzerland because even though I live in France I take my pension in Swiss francs. Interestingly, I saw that had I been taking my pension in euros I would have gotten around 8.5% (France), with the highest quoted being Germany at nearly 10%!!!!! But the swings and roundabouts part of it is that the Swiss franc is so strong compared to the euro at the moment it all more or less evens out in the end!
And again on a positive note, my friend sent me a message to say that GAL Voyages (who we've travelled with a lot) sent her a notice to say that the trip to Holland to see the tulips was back on for April and would we like to pre-book (since that was the trip we had to cancel due to the pandemic), so we're going in to town tomorrow to reserve. From memory we'll be driving up to Belgium and then over to Amsterdam for a few days, on to Keukenhof to see the tulips and then on a cruise for a few days before heading back home! We've always been very happy with this company and I'm about ready for a vacation after three years without! Now if they put the Corsica trip on again this year as well I think I'll be in heaven!
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Keukenhof |
And finally, a thank you to Bobi in Maryland for my Christmas card (in Anne's Christmas card exchange). It came today!
I would love to visit Keukenhof, sigh, tulips and more tulips. Ah well, maybe another year. Trying to get my husband on an airplane is painful at the best of times and the pandemic was perfect for him because he hates flying.
ReplyDeleteYou sound like you been very busy. I've never had to use snow chains thankfully. We have winter tires which work quite well but there aren't really many hills around here.
I'm looking forward to the trip (I just hope it's not already fully booked) but I tend to side with your hubs a bit as I hate flying too and the pandemic was a good excuse not to do it. That being said, I still want to visit Thailand and Mexico and Botswana and .....! And I have winter tyres (they're mandatory anyway) and if the roads are clear you can get up to the ski resorts just fine, but apparently Jordan and his boss have needed chains or snow socks recently (although I'm sure they don't take an hour to put them on either)!
DeleteWe sells the Milwaukee heated jackets and they're a hot steal. They have to be locked up because they're so easily stolen. My social security increase is usually around 4%, this year, however it's a good one, 11%. That means we'll get piddling increases for the next couple of years.
ReplyDeleteJen picked out the jacket and I paid around €130 for it, plus another €60 for the rechargeable batteries. Not a bad price actually and then good regular ski jackets are expensive too! I can see why they might be locked up though! And your COLA increase was pretty good. As I say, I would have gotten around 9% if I took my pension in euros but I still reckon it's better to keep it in Swiss francs anyway!
DeleteYou are SO BUSY! But it's all good stuff. I love the thought of you taking a class in making your own cleaning products. But- not as much as the thought of you being able to make that trip! How gorgeous! I hope you can go!
ReplyDeleteRegarding the trip to Holland, we'd planned to drive out there and book this morning - and THEN we got a 10 inch snow dump, so my friend called and reserved and we have to pay next week. Phew!
DeleteI'm not much of a butternut squash fan myself so I understand. The weather here has been mild the last few weeks also. We typically don't get much snow so regular tires work fine here.
ReplyDeleteI hope the trip isn't full so you can finally go!
We got booked on the trip this morning (see my message to Ms Moon) so once the snow clears we can run out there and pay. As for the butternut squash - I don't really like any of the sweet vegetables (carrots, parsnips, swede etc.) so I don't know what possessed me there!
DeleteI’m enjoying a completely relaxing, no stress, wind down kind of week and it’s wonderful, otherwise I’d be feeling your pain with the car. A couple of months ago I did something very similar albeit just scraping the wing mirror, but was putting the car into my own garage would you believe and that after 23 years of parking in there!
ReplyDeleteI think pranging the car is easy done - especially in some of Geneva's parking lots. I also find my car to be low so I can't really see "over" it as well as I would like to. Or maybe I'm just shrinking, although that would only be vertically!
DeleteI got your Christmas card from the card exchange! Thank you so much! Happy holidays!
ReplyDeleteAha, I thought I recognized an address but I don't know all bloggers' names. You're welcome and merry Christmas to you and yours!