Things are starting to move again around here, starting with the weather, which has finally hit the kind of temperatures we would normally expect this time of year. Would you believe last week we only managed 16°C (60°F) and it rained all day? I mean, by the time August gets here we're usually desperate for the 15th to roll around in the hope that it might start to cool down a bit, but this year? Not a bit of it! Well that was until this week when we've finally started getting up to about 33°C (90°F) - even though this time of year we'd normally be hitting as high as 38°- 40°C. Still, I'm not complaining about missing those temperatures!
The people showed up to André's new place yesterday to install the kitchen and need to come back tomorrow to provide the finishing touches and then he's pretty much set to go. I think he's talking about moving out good and proper on Friday night, but there's no rush as he can stay here as long as he wants, obviously. Still, nine months of having him here hasn't been bad at all and he was able to save up a good amount of money, which has allowed him to get pretty much everything he needs for the apartment. I guess it's sod's law though that today was the day we ended up moving most of his stuff out of my place - and also the hottest day of the year so far! We had a pretty good removal system going between the two of us but given that my house is on four floors I was a sweaty mess by the time we'd got most of it loaded up into our cars! Still, his place is lovely and we got to sit and enjoy a beer on the balcony when we were done (for as long as we could stand it, because the sun was scorching)! First thing he's gonna have to buy tomorrow will be a couple of parasols for the balcony because we could barely open our eyes, it was so bright! So tomorrow we're off to IKEA, Geneva, to have a shufty and pick up some smaller decorative items! I love going to IKEA, but I also love leaving the place as it can be so tiring - that's if you can even find your way out of there. Very crafty bit of consumer-promotion that - make the buggers keep walking round and round until they promise to buy something if only you'll let them leave!

My ex was supposed to be arriving here to meet Charlie for the first time on 25th August, but when I commented to André that his dad would love his new place he told me that he wasn't coming, but was pushing his trip back to next March! Say what???? Although he has had both vaccinations it turns out that he can't provide a "QR code" to prove this and so would not be allowed to land in Switzerland (although crossing the border into France is usually not a problem)! When I asked how he proves he's been vaccinated in the States André said he doesn't have to (at least not in PA), nor do they have to wear masks. I don't know, I don't understand any of this any more because I thought there was some sort of equivalence to allow foreign travel to start up again - but apparently not! Who knows!
Jordan and Jen are in Brittany at the moment staying at Jen's best friend's and the weather looks lovely up there too, although it can be very windy. I'm so glad they've got to have something of a break too because it's been a tough year for them both - well, like for most people, I guess!
I'm starting to get itchy feet a little with the travel bug but since I won't be going anywhere until at least next spring I'll have to get back out into the mountains as soon as the weather cools off a bit, just to make it feel like I've actually done something this year! Not a lot, admittedly, but at least something! It's been about 15 months since we were supposed to go to Holland (to see the tulips) and come back via Germany, but that was cancelled because of covid of course, so I'm thinking that in a couple of months I should be getting the money back for that trip (as well as a short trip to Italy) - crikey, it's amazing how much you save when you never do anything isn't it!
My house phone has been ringing off the hook these past couple of months (I always let it go to the answering machine), when I realized the other day that my mobile phone contract with SFR (my carrier) had expired so it's probably them plugging me into speed dial so that they can sign me back up to a contract. Just out of curiosity I looked to see what they were offering by way of incentive, and did the calculations on renewing with them and getting myself an iPhone 12 at a much reduced price. But, I'm getting quite good at sitting on these things too because while I think I probably need to upgrade my phone, to be honest, I don't really care that much about phones either. I also looked into buying an iPhone through the Apple site and the prices aren't too bad there, but I think I'll leave it for a bit as my current phone is ok, even though I had to change the battery last year. And talking of phones, somehow I stumbled across a couple of Youtubers called "Payette Forward" (basically "iPhones for idiots") and they walk you through which phone settings you can easily turn off in order to not only save your battery but also to limit somewhat the apps that can track your phone usage. While I knew that Facebook was automatically loaded onto my phone when I got it, I hadn't realized that the FB tracker is defaulted to "on" when you get your phone. So they explained that by turning this one particular setting "off" (and loads of others), you can not only save your battery but also afford yourself just a tad more privacy, although I know darn well Big Brother is constantly watching of course. I tend to use my computer rather than my phone for FB but oddly enough, since I turned off this app setting on my phone, I'm now getting the weirdest suggestions of "sites you might like" when I log into FB on my computer! Half the bloody things seem to think I'm some kind of cycling fanatic and could give a toss about where the latest races are or what the best deals on bikes are! Well I guess, if Big Brother is watching me at the moment, he must be slightly drunk, because I can't block these cycling ads quick enough!
And finally, whenever someone mentions a book, a movie or a series that they've enjoyed I write it down for "the times when I can't think of anything better to do" .... which will most likely be more often now that André is moving out. So with that in mind I started watching The Kominsky Method on Netflix and I have to admit it's growing on me. I've never been much of a fan of Michael Douglas, but the writing is very clever and I think Alan Arkin (so far) has just stolen the show. To be continued, I guess!
DIL2 keeps telling me I need to watch the Kominsky Method. I guess I will give it a shot.
ReplyDeleteWhat a balcony view! I am jealous!
Not all states require a Covid passport to go into places. Alabama requires nothing, but when you get your vaccination they give you a "passport" of sorts with your name and dates of the inoculations . My son in New York has to show his to be allowed in restaurants or bars.
The Kominsky Method is growing on me (I've watched the first season). It's quite a touching story of a friendship between two older men (so far), a bit of a male equivalent of Grace and Frankie, but "quieter"! As for here, we can't go ANYWHERE basically (except supermarkets) without showing our covid passport, not even sit on a café terrace to have a coffee, so I guess that explains why my ex isn't coming over. But trying to keep up with the ins and outs and the regulations sea changes from one day to the next seems impossible to me! Shame for him as Charlie will be a year old by the time he meets him!
DeleteYes, itchy feet here too - manifesting itself by spending hours looking at potential destinations and accommodation at home and abroad, followed by deep sighing and the uttering of “manana.”
ReplyDeleteThere are a few places long haul that I want to visit while I still have the energy and I reckon after that I will stick with Europe and Africa, so yes I've got itchy feet too. But not itchy enough to want to take any risks either right now, even assuming such travel was possible!
DeleteThat is one awesome balcony! And baby Charlie is on his first vacation? How cute! I am glad all is well in your neck of the woods.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad for the kids that there is some semblance of normality for them right now, André because of an unwanted divorce and Jordan and Jen because they work damn hard for everything they have and their happy little family deserve a change to relax and enjoy each other! As for me, I can live with it as it is so I don't really worry too much!
DeleteWe enjoyed "The Kominsky Method" quite a bit. Long time between seasons, though.
ReplyDeleteAndre's balcony looks like a beautiful aerie nest to watch the world from. He looks quite happy there! You've been a very sweet mother to let him stay with you all these months, saving enough money for a nice place of his own. I'm sure it's been a pleasure having him there and now it will be a pleasure to have your place to yourself again.
It has been a pleasure having André here, to be honest, although I'm not unhappy living on my own either. I feel that it has allowed us to get close again because my marriage and subsequent divorce pretty much did a number on our relationship - so win/win I guess. He also needs to be back in his own place with his independence too so I'm glad he's found this place - and I'm dead impressed by it!
DeleteThat balcony is amazing! And Andre's right, here in PA you do not have to prove you've been vaccinated, but then our state is well over 70% vaccinated. Still, we do need to wear masks at work.
ReplyDeleteHis balcony is to die for - seriously! And he is so proud so I'm happy for him. As for my ex's vaccine status, I find it hard to believe that he would be prevented from flying when he can prove he has been vaccinated but frankly this whole situation has been a royal cock-up (in my humble opinion)!
DeleteI just saw a new link to register your proof of vaccination and get a QR code. It will save hassle I hope for the future when travelling might require either proof of vaccination, a recent negative test, or I guess in some incidences both. I too have a major travel bug-even a day trip isn't really taking care of it for me. As we had spent so much taking the whole family to France, Belgium, and Germany three years ago 2019 was going to be our "off" travel year other than my daughters show choir weekends and relocating her to college/weekend trips. Joke was on us I guess, as we are now on year three of an "off" travel year.
ReplyDeleteWe're all having "off" years aren't we but I guess if not travelling is our biggest problem we're not doing too badly are we. Others have it so much worse. Would you mind sending me that link for the QR code so I can send it to my ex just in case. I'm thinking he may have already cancelled everything and by the time March rolls around I'm pretty sure his vaccine status will no longer be valid sans the 3rd shot but who knows. I could send it to him anyway.
ReplyDeleteI watched the first episode of the Kaminsky Method and didn't like it! It felt very contrived. I was disappointed as the trailer looked good! I haven't gone back to it. We didn't get any paperwork to say we'd been vaccinated. I'm not sure how we go about getting that, not that we need it as we're going nowhere that would require it anyway but we should probably find out! Andres balcony looks amazing, what a view he has! Poor you moving all that stuff in hot weather, sods law the weather improved! You'll be glad to see the sun again though I'm sure, especially if you can join Andre on his balcony! My daughters MIL is in much the same boat with regards seeing a new grandchild. Her son lives in Texas and they had a baby last August and no-one could visit to see them. The baby is now one year old and still no-one can visit. It must be heart breaking for all concerned. :( x
ReplyDeleteOooohhhfff, all this stuff about blocking travel - well what can I say. I personally belive we have to let this virus run - and hopefully people will stay separated and not catch the damn thing. That's my theory anyway - I am reitred and live alone and don't go around people. But in the end who knows, I'm tired of thinking about it.
DeleteAndre has a lovely view.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if travel will ever be the same. Our numbers are going back up again. Probably would be helpful if people wore masks but they no longer have to. As of monday, nobody has to do anything. Oh joy.
Oh I would be so happy to be able to travel again. In the meantime, I can live with staying home and going into the mountains, but that's not a given for everyone. Here everyone still wears masks in public places and I haven't seen anyone kicking off against it. In the end I believe that Macron's total vax/pass sanitaire policy will blow up in his face - and so it should, the arrogant little bastard (but that's just my opinion)!
DeleteThe view from Andre’s balcony is amazing! I’d find it hard to drag myself away from that.
ReplyDeleteThings are starting to open up here too but there are confusing rules on PCR tests and lateral flow tests depending where you returning from. Fingers crossed things will continue to improve. We’re grateful that although we’ve been isolating we are lucky because so many people have had it a lot worse.
Brittany looks lovely too, hopefully we will be seeing it soon!
André's place is lovely -- it makes me wonder about selling up here too, but my neighbours are great. And if you end up coming to France let me know. I'm not in Brittany (I'm in Haute Savoie)!
DeleteWe are sweltering here…temps in the 90s with a heat index well over100-degress …AND THE HUMIDITY!!! Ak!
ReplyDeleteIt might be nice having your home to yourself again, no? And IKEA. I spent a week there one day. It’s a huge experience.
This country and masks and proof of vaccine is amess. The right thinks asking you to prove you’re vaccinated is an invasion of privacy when all people want to know is: are you vaccinated. I don’t ask your health info, just if you’ve been pricked.
Carlos and I want to see my Dad out west in the fall, but don’t know if that’s viable with the way this country continues to mess up.
Stay safe.
Bob I know you're a sweetheart and I'm in love with your husband. I also know we don't agree on this vaccination BS, but damn it's a shit show isn't it. My ex is double-vaxed and can't travel to Europe. I can't even have a coffee on a café terrace (I can live without it) but this fucking vax passport is KILLING France! I guess we have to wait and let hindsight work out who was wrong and who was right huh! But still, much love to you and the love my life Carlos! He's too good for you, you know that right?
DeleteWhat a view! Who is assembling everything from IKEA, my sister put all my stuff together LOL. I am so glad your sons are seeing a little normalcy. Canada has just said mandatory vaccines are coming for certain industries, any that are federally mandated. And all travelers must be vaxxed too! What a time we're in.
ReplyDeleteIn the end we didn't go to IKEA and he managed to get everything he wanted in France - which was just as well really because they delivered and assembled everything for a fraction of the price he would have paid in Switzerland. And yes I'm glad the kids have had a little time to forget this state of madness we seem to be living in right now. But of course it isn't over anywhere, is it!