The view from my window

The view from my window
The view from my window

Wednesday 23 June 2021


While the weather remains a bit "iffy" over here, things seem to be slowly returning to some kind of normal. I suppose totally lifting the curfew on Monday helped because even though I rarely go out after 11 pm, just knowing I haven't got to rush back home is very liberating. And if I'm feeling that way I can only imagine how relieved young people feel! André has been out with mates about three times this last week - initially sleeping over at their places because of curfew and then last night he came home at 2 a.m! His fireman friend, Laurent (Zoreille - Ears) invited him to go to a billiard evening in Sevrier on Lake Annecy. I don't think he was expecting to be out so late but since they wanted to stay till the end and Laurent's girlfriend was driving I guess ya just goes with the flow don't ya! But talking of "going with the flow", I think André was regretting mixing his drinks this morning as he had a bit of a sore head. I told him mixing drinks wasn't a good idea, was it. Oh sure, it seemed like a great idea last night, but this morning? Nah, not so much! 

He had a call from the notary this week and will be signing for his apartment on 2 July and getting his keys on19 July, so not long to go now. It's so exciting and we're both looking forward to going out shopping as he needs just about everything! One of the advantages of not having kids at home is that I sleep the sleep of the just, but of course since he's been with me I've stopped putting my phone on "do not disturb" at night when he's out. I won't miss that I can tell you because of course when they don't live with you you have no idea what's going on! Anyway, I got a burst of energy yesterday and spent a few hours working in the garden and then going through one of my linen cupboards trying to get that decluttered. Damn I've got so much stuff, so I started tearing up some old sheets and stuffing them in a bag. When he asked me what I was doing I told him I imagine he'd be needing rags/cloths when he moves into his new place and starts assembling furniture, so I handed him the bag with a "Merry Christmas son"! That's one name crossed off my Christmas list!

Then on Monday I had a dentist's appointment in Geneva and had just got out of there around 3 p.m. when I saw on the local news that a sink hole had opened up just one block from where I'd driven through. It wasn't a major sink hole and no-one was hurt, thankfully, but I imagine traffic was horrendous after that, so that's one more joy to add to the list of no longer having to go into Geneva every day!

Heck that would have done some damage to my suspension
wouldn't it - well the car's, not mine. My bra straps are
designed to withstand an earthquake!

On Sunday France had the first of two rounds of municipal/regional elections and thankfully Marine Le Pen's far right party did worse than last time around - but then again so did Macron's party, so next year's Presidential elections could be interesting!

Last night I finished watching The Serpent on Netflix. It took me ages to get through it because the first five or so episodes had me on the edge of my seat and I didn't honestly know if I wanted to continue. I think the music had something to do with it actually, but it was really gripping stuff, all the more so since it was a true story! Damn, if you ever want a look into a severely deranged mind you could do no better than to watch that series!

And finally the other day I received an email from the bus company my friend and I have taken so many trips with. They were sending out the outings planned for July and August. Trouble is, while I haven't been particularly worried about covid, neither my friend nor I feel up to getting up close and personal with a whole bunch of other people on a bus just yet! Still, looking at where they are planning their outings has given me loads of new ideas of places we could visit on our own, starting in July when most of them open up. I've got about six possibles lined up already, all less than 200 km away from here, so that will give us something to look forward to, even if it's not exactly "holidays" as I might normally have imagined them. Still, no worries, I'm sure they'll be just great as this region of France still continues to pleasantly surprise me!


  1. I've never had a problem mixing drinks when I was younger, and now it's just the occasional glass of wine. And I saw Le Pen didn't do well. Good. She's almost as much of a cracker jack as our Orange Anus.

    1. I tend to stick to just wine too because mixing them - uuggghhh, no thanks. And you're right about Le Pen. We don't need someone like that inflaming racial tensions any more than they already are!

  2. Your holidays close to home will be wonderful. Better to be safe than sorry, but still have a little vacation :) You may miss Andre, but you won't miss sleeping through the night!! And I love that you and the boys are all in the same place essentially now (or close enough) - wonderful!

    1. It is indeed really great for me that my kids are both within a 30 minute drive now. Close enough for me to visit and far enough to keep me out of their hair!

  3. I enjoy a good cocktail every now and again, but wine is a nice sipping drink.

    I have had nightmares about sink holes and even this little one freaks me out!

    1. The only time I touch a cocktail is when I'm on vacation (especially in the Caribbean), otherwise they're just deadly as they go down way too easily. As for the sinkhole, that's the first time I've heard of one in Geneva BUT there was another one yesterday near the place I took my French exam last year, although there was some digging going on nearby so who knows. Dangerous stuff eh?

  4. I looked up The Serpent. I think I'll pass. I get stressed out watching stuff like that, although my husband enjoys it. It's even worse knowing it's true. I'd never heard of the guy.

    It'll be nice for you to have your house back to yourself I imagine. And a few holidays to enjoy. We're going to Vancouver Island at the end of August which I can't wait for. It's wild there and so beautiful.

    1. I think "stressful" is the word for the first few episodes of The Serpent. One that really got to me was about a young French guy who you just knew was going to be the next victim - and he knew it too. And then you got to watch his struggle to get away from there when Sobhraj had his passport and money. I won't tell you what happened but ... The good news is Sobhraj is now 77 and serving life in a Nepalese jail! And good for you for going away for a few days. I've heard Vancouver Island is beautiful and wild, so right up my alley!

  5. When I make mom noises to my kids of course they rebut that I don't know what they are doing when they are at school or lived elsewhere. They don't get it's just how we are. I'm excited for Andre to get his apartment. While the circumstances were probably not his choice, he is still so young and can continue to build his life on his terms.

    1. It has been different having him at home with me because you can't help but worry can you! Still, it's also been fun. AND he's done so much with the large group of mates he had growing up it's a pleasure to watch. I know he wouldn't have chosen the divorce but he really is happy now and I'm delighted for him!

  6. Great news for Andre getting his keys soon. Will he have much work to do in it or will he be able to move right in? I laughed at you giving him rags as his Christmas! Good plan lol. It's nice you have so many places to visit before actually having to go 'away' as such. Accommodation here has become extremely expensive and fully booked for the school holiday period. Holiday home owners must be raking it in this year to make up for last year! I don't mind not going anywhere in summer, too much garden to ask anyone to look after for me! Hope your weather picks up, ours is due to next week again, although we can't complain, it was lovely here till yesterday, we didn't get the rain etc that England got! x

    1. André's apartment is a new build so there shouldn't be anything to do to it. I haven't even seen it myself yet because they only ever allowed one person when he went to visit, but I know where it is and it's a lovely spot so I'm sure he'll be very happy there. It's only 10-15 minutes away from Jordan and Jen's place too and he has mates all around so definitely a good spot for him. As for the weather, as I'm sitting typing this it's pouring down rain again, it's just unbelievable! Either way, I wouldn't risk going away anywhere far with the covid situation and quarantine/no quarantine ping pong matches going on right now so I think you're right to stay home too!

  7. I was just wondering what to do with all the rags in my rag box which is overflowing so thanks for that, Christmas sorted too!
