Well one more week to go and hopefully we'll be out of lockdown (again). I've felt a bit bleh this week but I suppose that's normal. I haven't been out walking because I guess I kinda "resent" the 10 km limit imposed on us - which is pretty stupid really because there are nice walks round here well within that radius! But don't mind me - I'm just having a whinge!
My dentist called the other day to say she'd had a cancellation and did I want it to get my broken tooth fixed? I did, of course and it was so nice to be back in Geneva for a change. There was loads of parking because I guess many people are still working from home and as Geneva "opened back up" on Monday there were people sitting on café terraces eating or having a drink. I thought about stopping and having a drink too but since she'd pumped goodness knows how much anaesthetic into my mouth I thought the sight of me slobbering at the next table might put people off their food so decided to go straight home! It did bring home to me, though, that while I'm pretty happy on my own, I have missed socializing too, particularly before the weather gets too hot for my liking. And talking of teeth, I've gotten more into Grace and Frankie as it's gone on and it's made a nice change to watch something "silly" and not too taxing, buuut I have to admit I'm becoming a bit fixated on Martin Sheen's teeth! I don't know if he always had "prominent" teeth (goodness knows he was a gorgeous young man), but I keep wanting to suck those babies back in and I find it a little distracting. Still, I can live with it and the whole series has been a pleasant interlude in the seemingly never-ending bleh of the pandemic!
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Martin Sheen and Sam Waterson |
Talking of the pandemic (for a change), I saw an article in the news the other day where the city of Nice announced that they had 4,000 doses of the AstraZenica vaccine available and only 50 people turned up to get their shot! I don't know if people have been put off by all the bad press AstraZenica has gotten recently (which is a shame, I guess, because I believe Oxford University asked for it to be distributed at cost price - unlike the other vaccines), or if people are just not interested in getting vaccinated at all. I don't know to be honest!
The other day I did a bit of baking and made James Martin's banana and maple syrup cake and while it looked nice I do wonder why I bother as I don't particularly like banana cake anyway. Still Jordan and Jen liked it and the Dorset apple cake I also made - that one's a winner every time! I also decided that while I was feeling pretty listless I'd give up on reading a couple of books which were turning out to be quite depressing. So I had a rummage through the hundreds of books on my shelves just waiting to be read and found a couple of Joanne Harris books (Chocolat anyone?) and another Carl Hiassen book (Star Island) which is a real hoot! I also saw that one of the victims of serial conman Mark Acklom has written a book about how he conned her out of the £850,000 she had in the bank from the sale of her home! I guess I was interested in his story because he was finally picked up by the police on the terrace of a café that I know in Geneva so his name stuck in my head. I think at last count he's been to prison five times and started his "career" as a conman at the age of 16!!!!! Damn!!! I know people will say "how the hell did he con her out of £850,000?" and "oh that would never happen to me", but I think these sociopaths are so good at what they do that so many people are in way too far before they realize they've been had. When the book comes out I'll download a sample onto my kindle as I think it might be a good read and, hopefully, a way for her to make back just a little of what he took from her!
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Serial con artist Mark Acklom! |
I got a pleasant surprise too the other day when I realized the farmer has yet again indulged his pleasure and put more donkeys in the fields at the back of my house. I counted 10 (there may have been more) and at least four babies and they are beautiful - if noisy buggers!
Sociopaths make normal people feel like they're the crazy ones. I know this from dealing with my son. It just never ends and still upsets me.
ReplyDeletePoor little grandson. Bowel pain hurts so much, even when you know what's going on. I imagine he felt much better after his big poop. Jack is two now and he's become awful to change his diaper and he had a big poop today too and wouldn't lay still. At one point he was almost hanging upside down by one leg as I tried to clean him up.
We're getting hit hard here in Canada with the third wave. Now it's younger people in ICU. I'm tired of people calling it a hoax.
Glad you and yours are well.
It was a previous boss sociopath/narc that got me so interested as I just couldn't believe the lies, gaslighting and total lack of empathy, so I guess Mark Acklom's "career" shouldn't come as a surprise, but it still does. He is, in fact, married and has two young daughters so it makes you wonder how much his wife knew too. I'm sorry you're having to deal with your son. It must hurt so much and be incredibly upsetting. As for Charlie, I asked Jen how he'd been this evening and she said he'd been cranky but is now sleeping. I'm really hoping it's a milk problem. She has his one-month check-up on Tuesday so at least they can keep an eye on it. Even so, just listening to his cries for even just a minute upset me so much! France's covid numbers are going back down but only because of the restrictions I guess. Trouble is, as soon as those restrictions get eased some people go wild and everyone pays for it - and yes, even young people! Take care of yourself - you've got a lot on your plate!
DeleteThat conman is slick, as most are. I mean, it's like they hunt their prey and then feed on them until the cash is gone and then they move on.
ReplyDeleteWe're up for first shots this Thursday. And while numbers are going up--because Americans are spoiled children for the most part--I hope that by summer's end we'll be on the right track.
But I've said that before ... sigh.
Sometimes when you read about conmen in black and white it just screams at you "look out, he's a con artist", but I guess when you're being subtly played they gaslight you and you end up doubting your own eyes. I think so many middle aged women are targeted because they are more vulnerable (divorced/widowed) and therefore make good targets. (Middle aged men tend to get the young honey trap, I think). Thing is, I reckon as soon as he's out of prison he'll change his name and start right back up! Good luck with your vax by the way!
DeleteWell, you know my thoughts on sociopathic con men. Some dupe 75 million into thinking he isn't out to screw an entire nation to feed his ego. Poor little nugget. Tummy troubles for babies are so hard to watch. I hope the food change helps.
ReplyDeleteHa, and I wasn't even thinking about him when I wrote about conmen/narcs. As I say, my first "real" experience was someone at work and it was scary, and yet fascinating to watch!
DeleteMy mom used to call that call 'baby shit green.' I kind of suspected the lactose problem the last you mentioned his having issues at meal time. That's a shame. I love whole milk. And Ice cream!
ReplyDeleteI think when it starts bunging up your airways there's a good chance of allergies/lactose intolerance. And from what I saw yesterday your mom's description was spot on! Jordan said just making up the formula stinks so it's no wonder the poor little thing could clear a room!
DeleteHow nice to see all the baby donkeys, maybe not so nice to hear the noise they must make!
ReplyDeletePeople are being so silly about this vaccine. A lot of people seem to think that because it was available so quickly it's not had all the testing done. It's available so quickly because the drug companies didn't have to jump through all the usual hoops to get the funding to create it, plus, as it's a covid related illness they already have a head start on the research because of the SARS epidemic years ago. I'm hoping we get our second jab soon! I'll definitely feel safer out and about once I've had it.
Oh how I remember those up the back and all over the place nappies. Not even necessarily due to nappy positioning! It was horrible, you never knew where to start on the cleanup and baby had to have a bath to get it out of all the creases!! How come creases on babies look so cute and not so much on us adults? lol.
I'm glad they've found he's lactose intolerant so soon, often babies suffer for ages before they get diagnosed properly. x
I have no idea when I'll be able to get my vaccine but I'm cool with that. I reckon soon enough and I have no problem staying away from people until then. As for the explosive nappies - damn, we've all been there. I reckoned I hadn't got that nappy back on tight enough but there is nothing that would have stopped that explosion. But good for him as "better in than out" right? It's obviously better when it happens at home, and him being so little you can just put him down and he isn't going anywhere, but Lilycedar's description of "holding her grandson upside down by one leg" while she was trying to clean him up is pretty spot on isn't it! Oh happy days!
DeleteI grew up with a cousin who was a conman/sociopath. He was interesting to watch because he was one of 8 kids and the others would give you the shirt off their backs, He would take the shirt you had on, all the shirts in your closet and most of your bank account before you even knew what was happening, with a grin on his face and no remorse.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are able to help with the baby. Equally glad you did not have to deal with the change in formula aftermath!
I'm sure the parents of that cousin wondered "what the hell they did wrong" to have 7 decent kids and one conman, but I'm pretty sure the answer is "absolutely nothing", and that's probably what makes it so tragic isn't it. And I'm hoping switching the babe's milk will sort him out too as that crying yesterday was just pitiful!
DeleteIf there is one thing I cannot bear it is listening to a baby cry. I'm so sorry for that little bebe and his mama and daddy as well. I hope they get it all truly sorted out. Sometimes it just takes a while for little tummies to start working properly. It's a miracle that any of them do, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteThe donkeys! They're so darling. I would love to have a nearby field with so many of them.
Martin Sheen's teeth annoyed me too! Don't you think he could afford better?
I can't stand to listen to a baby cry either - and you know if it's "tantrum", hunger or pain, and this was definitely pain, the poor little thing. I'm hoping he sorts himself out quickly too as it's so hard on him. And I had to laugh about you noticing Sheen's teeth too. I keep wishing he would suck them back in. I actually looked for photos of him as a younger man (gorgeous as he was) and I couldn't see if that has always been the way his teeth were. Distracting to say the least!
DeletePoor Biboo! Here is a trick: Put a baby planket on your lap and position Biboo facing down on one of your legs so that he is kind of like a banana (do I make sense?). He should not be lying straight. Then, gently rub his back till he gets rid of the gas. Once he starts to sleep, you will know he is better. I was a gassy baby and that's what mom used to do.
ReplyDeleteMy mom used to do the "banana" trick too. I tried it for a while with him yesterday but nothing really helped. I sat in the rocking chair with him rubbing his tummy for a while and he calmed down but it's very distressing for everyone concerned. Here's hoping he grows out of it quickly!
DeleteI hate scams and con people. You have to constantly think is this genuine etc. I'm glad your lock down is coming to an end. As far as Vaccines are concerned, they've all had blood clot cases. My friend who has Pfizer was dreadfully ill as her own immune system attacked her body. Her skin was like it had been burnt in areas. She is fine now and will have the second dose. The newspapers ran a story today about the amount of vaccine Europe has stockpiled but isnt using. I don't know how true this is but if it isnt being used because people font want it. Give it to the countries that do, I'm sure they'd be grateful.
ReplyDeleteWho knows what's true any more. My neighbour and my nephew's girlfriend were both violently ill when they got their shots. My neighbour I could kinda imagine as she's not in good health, but my nephew's gf is only in her early 50s and in excellent health. As for the stockpiling - again I have no idea. Who knows what's true any more!
DeleteIt's such a shame that the vaccines became a political football and that the politicians responsible are now holding their heads in despair when people aren't so keen to roll their sleeve up. If only the scientists could have been allowed centre stage on this one issue. I'm now fully vaccinated but it's of limited protection without every one around the world getting theirs too, otherwise the variants are going to continue to mutate and this thing is just going to go on and on.
ReplyDeleteYou're absolutely right of course. Trouble is one man's scientist is (supposedly) another man's poison (and I truly believe big pharma is also guilty of pushing one vax over another because of the almighty $ and the potential profits to be made, unfortunately)!
DeleteI've had the AstraZeneca - no issues. The chance of a blood clot is less than the chance of acquiring Covid - so I just shake my head.
ReplyDeleteMy grandson is now 4 and we still have the occasional conversation about poop. I'm sure the little guy was having some issues with the transition from one form of milk to another. If Andre is willing, he'll learn that baby poop can come in many forms and colors! :p
Have a great day!
Jen has an appointment to take Charlie for his one month check-up tomorrow so we'll see what the paediatrician says. I'm hoping it was just the transition from one milk to another and that he'll soon feel better. As far as "poop conversations" are concerned, I think boys never get past that stage!
DeleteAh, the joys of conversations with new parents. It's all about the poop! But of course, it all brings us back to what is really important. The right food and a good digestion! While Paul was in hospital most of his conversations with nurses involved discussing his poop in great detail!
ReplyDeleteHope this change is just what your grand-bubba needs and that everyone gets some peace and sleep xx
It's already going better thanks Jo. I hope your Bubba is doing well too!