The view from my window

The view from my window
The view from my window

Thursday 19 October 2023

At least I didn't burn the house down!

While it's definitely a lot cooler here - obviously, it's nearly November - it's still pretty mild for the time of year. We've had a couple of days where it rained but other than that it has been pretty nice (to my weird taste I suppose) and with that I've gotten my energy back and quite a lot done! On Monday Jen was caught short for baby-sitting again as the daycare has this weird (rip-off, in my opinion) thing where eight days of the year parents are expected to find alternative arrangements for their children or they will pay double for the day! Say what??? You've paid for it but eight days a year you have to make other arrangements??? Sounds like a money-spinning exercise to me! Anyway, after yoga in the morning I drove straight over there to keep Charlie for the afternoon while Jen went to work. He was much better after his rotten weekend the week before but the reverse side of that coin is that he was full of beans. Not that I'm complaining, but all of a sudden I was really feeling my age!! He kept playing his favourite songs and played Allez croco, allez croco, allez crocodile over and over again ad nauseum, all the while we had to jump around like crocodiles! After about the 20th time he said "nanny watch, I think I'm going to jump now" - and here's me thinking "mate, I was ready to jump half an hour ago"!!! Still he was good and I had him nicely wound up by the time Jordan and Jen got home around six!

After that it was off to Monday night sewing, so all-in-all a busy day for me. As I was driving there I spotted a young woman pushing one of those very high double strollers (for young babies) and saw that she also had another baby strapped to her chest, so triplets!!! Yikes! You've got to be young to do that, but I suppose if they're your children you do get into a routine, even if it's still hard work. When I was still working I remember seeing a young woman getting on the bus with triplet baby girls and watched them grow over the last few years before I retired. She had her act down pat but hats off to anyone that can pull that off!

I mentioned above that I'd been getting quite a lot done round here, but there have been a couple of things that've beaten me, all the same. Some time ago I bought a chainsaw with the intention of chopping up all the wood that has been downstairs in my cellar since goodness knows when. Well I got it assembled but obviously hadn't put the chain on tight enough (I had protective gear on), so after a couple of goes decided to give up on that and have ordered a much smaller saw which should allow me to get through some of the smaller pieces at least. I had an insert installed in my fireplace in June (open fireplaces are illegal here now) and because of the way my chimney is built, I had to have the smallest one they had available - hence the necessity of cutting the logs up. Last night I decided it was time to try it out after I'd been a bit hesitant about it as the interior looked like it was made out of cardboard. It obviously wasn't and I soon had a decent little fire going now I've got the hang of it which, while it wouldn't be enough to heat the whole house, would certainly be quite pleasant on the rare occasions I actually sit downstairs (I'm thinking of everyone opening their presents on Christmas day)! One thing that does have me beaten (for the time being) is my old BBQ. I emptied my entire car out the other day, laid the back seats down and lugged that bloody thing around to the boot - and turns out it's probably an inch short on both sides to get it into the car. Bugger, but I'm still not giving up! When I've got more stuff sorted I'll probably rent a small van and lug the whole lot down to the recycling centre - that is if I can't find anyone going that way beforehand!

I've also made quite a bit of headway on Christmas shopping, believe it or not, because as I think of something I drop into an online basket (not necessarily Amazon) and once I've made my mind up I just send off for it. In fact, I follow Very British Problems on FB and for the second time have ordered stuff from them as I like their sense of humour (last time I ordered their bestseller "Born to be Mild" and the kids and I got a good laugh out of it)! I know stereotypes exist for a reason but when I find myself laughing at some of the daft stuff they post I realize I am actually a stereotype myself. One of the most recent things they posted on FB was "if you've just learned that a meteor the size of Wales is heading for earth right this minute, what would be your first thought"? By the time I saw it there were over 500 comments, but one that really tickled me was "oof, thank god I got the bins put out in time"! I know, I'm a stereotype!

I don't know if anyone else has noticed but Windows update number whatever seems to have permanently uploaded Bing onto my computer, and even though I've gone through all the "how to disable/delete" advice, I can't get rid of the bloody thing. If I go anywhere near the top right-hand side of my computer, Bing jumps out and asks if I would like to chat with AI??? No, actually, I just wish you'd bugger off! Despite that I seem to be having a massive clean up session on my phone and computer, and last night deleted about 400 photos from iCloud, about another 100 off my computer and phone and believe it or not deleted around 650 subscriptions to Youtube channels! I mean how the hell did I ever get subscribed to over 700 Youtube channels, one of which was called something like "Canadian tax planning"???? I've never been to Canada, unless you count changing planes at Toronto airport one time. It took me ages to unsubscribe from so many but boy was it worth it!

And finally, I notice - in the British press at least - that they are singing the praises of the French Interior Minister who has promised on his honour and under his complete responsibility to immediately round up and deport all illegal immigrants on security watch in the wake of the recent stabbing of a high school teacher by a Chechen teenager who, like two of his brothers, was also on the security watch list. He swears "on his honour" that they and their ilk will be deported and the British media are singing the praises of this chest-thumping Tarzan. Trouble is, as is well known already, there is no way it will happen. Indeed they tried to deport this particular young man a few years ago and it was the then Interior Minister who blocked it. And even if it got that far he knows damn well the European Court of Human Rights will prevent it, so the minister (who is also under investigation for whatever, I believe) can stop posturing as he knows this particular young man is going nowhere! Wish there was a button to unsubscribe here as I can't bear him!


  1. Fireplaces are nice, I wish I had one. I have both Microsoft and Google on my computer, both want me to use their AI. On occasion when I'm doing research, which seems about every day, I'll use them. The results are usually pretty good.

    1. I've seen a few things drafted by AI and it is impressive but I wish I could get Bing to just disappear unless I ask for it, rather than have it permanently on my toolbar! Still trying! And yes my fireplace is nice. It's quite a pretty feature of the room so I didn't want to demolish it, all the more so since I've not so long ago had my floor redone. It took ages to find an insert small enough to fit and now I'm off to pick up my new, smaller chain saw to deal with the wood!

  2. Sounds like you have been very productive lately. I love it when a burst of energy strikes and I get so much accomplished.
    Yes, the latest update for Windows did the same to me and I do not like Bing at all and I have no use for AI. It's frustrating how things are always changing and not necessarily for the best.
    Enjoy your new fireplace. I wish we had one.

    1. I think the cooler weather helps, as does setting my timer and making lists (told you I wasn't creative)!!! And Bing is indeed driving me nuts. I keep looking how to at least get it off my toolbar but I think it's designed to be permanent!

  3. It's not so easy being a grandmother sometimes, is it? Those kiddos can wear us out! Cudos to you- if that had been me after a long day playing crocodile I would have never made it to sewing.
    Your politician sounds a lot like a certain orange hued one we have who swore up and down that the was going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. Oh, how the Mexican government laughed and laughed.

    1. To be honest, I probably wind Charlie up more than is necessary but we both enjoy it - at least until I fall into bed exhausted later that night. As for that politician, I particularly despise him as he is not only arrogant but extremely patronising. He once told a female reporter "allez Madame, calm down, it'll all be ok in the end"! She nearly fell off her seat and pretty much everywhere he goes now he is greeted by young people wearing "just calm down" t-shirts!

  4. There is a reason baby mothers are on the younger side of life. I can't imagine being in charge of one infant full time at my age, much less 3!
    We have a much smaller saw now and it is easier to handle.

    1. I had a colleague who had triplets and she said it wasn't too bad actually as being from a Spanish family she had loads of help, but in the end, they are ultimately your responsibility aren't they!!! That's why I think it must come as a shock to some older women who undergo treatment to have children at a much later age than nature intended. Oh I have no doubt they love their children, but the sheer physical stamina required must be hard! And I see that I can go pick up my new saw tomorrow so I'm quite excited. While I'm sure it won't have any effect on the bigger logs, if I can at least do the small stuff it will clear out a huge area of the cellar!

  5. I had a lucky escape on the baby front being renowned in the family for having my 2 children separately when my sister had triplets and my brother’s wife twins. Babysitting, back in the day, was always a challenge, though I think I was spared Allez Crocodile; it sounds exhausting (but fun)!

    1. One of my dad's aunts had 14 children in eight births (not quite sure what the breakdown was), so I'm glad that gene didn't get handed further down the family!

  6. I sometimes pop into your blog as it's listed on a few other blogs I visit. But never commented before. :)

    Re; the search engine... Depending on your browser you can find the settings in different spots.

    In my browser I can reach that setting two ways. Do you have a 'menu' icon? It's 3 lines on top of each other. You can find it up at the top of your browser, usually on the far right or far left? If you have your 'menu' listed at the top of your browser you can find your settings there too, under 'tools'.

    Click on the menu or the 3 lines, then 'Settings' then to the 'Search' area of your settings and it will say "default search engine" and you can choose whatever you wish.

    1. Hi Mer, and thanks for stopping by (also thanks for the detailed explanation)!!!! I did once manage to get Google as my default setting but that seems to have gone to pot at the moment. I did wonder if it's because I'm still using Safari rather than Chrome but I will give it another shot. And thanks again!

    2. Ha, it's worked in Chrome - still limping along in Safari - but then I've got all night!

  7. Who knew crocodiles jumped? Lol. I think, I could lose some weight if I had a little Charlie around. A politician swearing on his honour sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it?

    1. I must admit I didn't know crocodiles jumped either - news to me!!! And as for politicians, I particularly dislike this one, although there are plenty to choose from aren't there!
