The view from my window

The view from my window
The view from my window

Saturday, 8 March 2025

Finally (hopefully?) coming up for air!

You know how sod's law dictates that when one thing goes wrong, everything else comes slamming at you like a bloody tsunami? Well the last couple of months have felt like that for me but finally/hopefully things are starting to look up. I've been absolutely exhausted for so long but I had promised to look after Charlie (school holidays) on Wednesday so duly got up at 6 a.m. to get over there by eight in order for Jen to go to work. He's a great little kid but man he wears me out. In his defence, if I had to look after him every day I'd probably have a better routine but at the moment he seems to think I'm his best friend in all the world. Mind you, if I hear just once more how his other granny doesn't colour outside the lines I may have to restrain myself!!!! I took him out to the park and into the woods for almost three hours (the weather's glorious here) in the hopes it would wear him out - which it did - but you can probably guess how I was feeling by the time I got him back home and down for a nap. Mind you, as I say, I can really only blame myself for being so tired, because as his mom walked through the door he yelled "Nanny, motorbikes" so we both dashed to our chairs (placed one in front of the other) and put our tupperware bowls on our heads (crash helmets - hygienic, right) and set off on our "motos" going vroom vroom! I swear mom thinks I'm insane, but at least Jordan is used to it!

Elynn was just getting over a nasty cough (thank you daycare) and I reckon she passed it on to me because I have been coughing enough to keep waking me up ever since. So tonight I decided I had to go through my medicine cabinet to fish out the oregano oil that worked so well last time and when I finally found it I put two drops into a very small amount of water (it's disgusting), must have coughed at the same time and promptly threw up (tmi, I know). But for the last four hours I haven't coughed once so I'm ever more convinced! Mind you, seeing the complete disaster zone that passes for a medicine cabinet, I realized right now would be a good time to start sorting it out, so if anyone needed a couple of paracetamol back in 2017, you should have just given me a call!

Friday was day 27 of the electrician being here (so over five weeks so far) but hopefully just one more day will be the end of it. However nice he is, I'm sure we will both be glad to see the back of each other! He asked what was going on with the Chuckle Brothers (the three Bangladeshi brothers - electrician/plumber/painter and decorator, where I had refused the electrican's quote but accepted the other two) and I told him nothing as I'd not seen hide nor hair of them since they first came over in January. So he told me to get down to the bank and block the deposit cheque (€965) as after 30 days their quote was no longer valid and it would be better to block it rather than try to get the money back. So then he asks what's going on with my solar panels (nothing, seemingly) and while I had noticed my bills hadn't gone down at all he told me to get right onto the installers and ask what the hell was going on. The woman told me that everything absolutely was up and running and sent me three different legal documents to show that they absolutely had sent the paperwork to me to get me hooked up to the grid. The only problem was that they'd gotten both my telephone number and my email address wrong, so it's no wonder I'd never received the paperwork (which I wasn't aware was coming and that I needed to sign). I sent her a copy of these mistakes so we'll see how that plays out next week! So then he points out how crap my wifi is (I know) and had me call my provider there and then to find out what was going on, given how much I was paying. The end result is my provider is coming to instal fibre on Tuesday, I've gotten a mobile wifi for €5 and both my landline and my mobile fees have gone down. It's not that I didn't know these things needed taken care of (except for the solar panels) but sometimes it all just feels overwhelming. So maybe I will miss this young man after all!

Edited to add: and of course I totally forgot about my security cameras. My service provider sent me a parcel containing batteries and asking me to call them in order for them to help me change the batteries in my internal camera. I thought "how difficult could that be?" (assuming you don't mind getting up a stepladder) and it was indeed easy. But then they kept sending me messages asking me to call them - which of course I ignored repeatedly because I'd changed the batteries. Eventually, as they wouldn't give up, I called back rather bad-temperedly but what they wanted to do was do a test run to make sure the cameras were functioning correctly (my bad)! So they had me move out of site, activate the internal alarm, and then move into the line of the camera to set the alarm off so they could take a picture and tell me what I was wearing. Of course the alarm was so loud that my neighbour came running round, I ran to the door and all the camera guy was either a photo of my right foot or my backside à la Mr. Bean as I ran out of shot!!!! In the end it was okay as I just asked him what was hanging over my banister (he correctly answered a white sweater) so another thing sorted. Of course it was no big deal but all these things came hammering at me like a battering ram and to say I wasn't necessarily "gracious" (at least in my own mind) would be an understatement!

In other news, last Saturday was our latest board game evening and I was asking the host, Philippe, how his mom was coping since his 62 year old sister had died suddenly just before Christmas. It turns out his mom had died about 10 days later! I felt bad as I obviously had no idea, but he reckons his mom just gave up after his sister died. Even so, that's a hard blow for anyone to bear in such a short space of time!

The lady from sewing club who had me buy stuff from Amazon for her sent me a message today asking if I could get something else for her urgently as it was needed for a grandchild's birthday on Friday!!! I ignored her for a while but in the end I looked it up and the smaller version that she wanted was not available, and the bigger one wouldn't ship until 20th March, so I suggested she try one of the other sites where she'd found the photo. And can you believe it - she asked me if I had accounts with these other sites!!! I told her no, I only felt comfortable putting my credit card information on Amazon as I trust them and said she might want to ask one of her own children! Can you believe the nerve of some people!

What with not sleeping and then being constantly on the go, I really have been tired these past few weeks, so yesterday I decided I had to get myself down to Passy for a walk and then again off out into the woods today to try to blow these cobwebs away. While I was walking I picked back up listening to Traitor King and I have to admit that by the time she gets to Chapter 8 it starts to get much more interesting, so yeah, if you have the patience to get through the first few chapters it's another book I would recommend. And again, Edward comes over as a weak, pompous and very entitled alpha wimp who, Churchill knew, was flapping his jaws to the Nazis, either via Wallis and one of her many lovers (von Ribbentrop, who was Nazi Germany's Foreign Affairs Minister) or just generally around any dinner table where, given the time, would have been comprised 50% of foreign spies!

And finally, I did end up taking the kids' friend, Julien, up to Avoriaz for his dog-sledding outing. He was sooooo nervous as (according to him) he's always been a wimp. He went yadda, yadda, yadda the entire 60 km drive up to Avoriaz until in the end I just looked at him and said "you do realize I'm not listening to a word you're saying don't you"? He bought me lunch and I stood outside to watch them getting the dogs ready and filmed him as he set off (he did pretty darn well "for a wimp"). And he loved it so I'm so glad I made the effort!


The intrepid Julien!

So hopefully things are starting to calm down a little here. This weekend was the start of the Venetian carnaval in Annecy but as I knew you wouldn't be able to get anywhere near Annecy right now, I'll just have to wait until they come back to La Roche again!


  1. Oh my gosh, Anna, that's way too much for anyone to handle. I'd be even nuttier than I already am. Ignore any comparison to the other grandma and just have your own fun with Charlie. I envy you on that front. Yeah, I would say your intermediary ordering for the sewing club person has reached its end. If she has kids to help her, kind of stupid to ask an aquaintance. You're a kind soul though. I was waiting to read the update on your trip to bring the young man to his event. I hope you enjoyed that day too.

    1. Oh I'm not worried about colouring outside the lines 'cos I'm a better motorbike rider!!! And yes it sure has been frantic lately (and I haven't even started looking for another plumber and decorator yet), but I have to say this young man has been a real treasure. I obviously don't understand how everything works in France even now (as in their quote no longer being valid), but I have been guilty of just letting things slide. I'm sure I don't have to explain that to you though. In the end if you're organized (which I am) everything gets done, but it does get overwhelming at times. As for Julien, he's adorable and we both had a good time, so I'm so glad I did him that favour!

  2. As always, you have been busy. That electrician has saved you a great deal of money and helped make your life better. That is pretty cool!
    Sounds like you do need some rest. Just having someone in your house is stressful, even if they are really nice and helpful.

    1. I can't recommend the electrician enough, not only for the standard of his work but also for his personability and helpfulness! I've already given him a 10+ rating on the site!

  3. The photos look fun(and cold). I stay far away from Mardi Gras here!

    1. I like the cold so that would never be a problem. Annecy however is stunningly beautiful any day of the year so I knew there would be no way to ever get near the place during Carnaval!

  4. You're a better human than I taking on the watching of a rambunctious child.
    I was exhausted just reading that bit.

    1. Ha ha, I like kids anyway and of course being my grandson ....! Mind you, my dad was like that so I grew up with crazy (if exhausting)!

  5. Maybe you could keep the guy on retainer or something. He could drop by once a month maybe and figure out things for you.
    I was at my daughter's house in Brooklyn for a month. I sat on sofa and played with 2.5 year grandson. One day, I decided to sit on the floor with him. He thought it was fun to leave the room and coming back full force and hurt me as he barreled into me. He did not know he hurt me. I asked my daughter if he did that with his other grandmother. She said other grandmother never sat in the floor. I was happy.
    Those are beautiful photos of the snow and Carnaval.

    1. His other grandma has back problems and although she's younger than me, could never get down on the floor with him so I agree, she's the one who can colour between the lines and I'm the one rolling on the floor playing dinosaurs. He gets the best of all worlds that way!
