The view from my window

The view from my window
The view from my window

Tuesday 27 August 2024

This and that!

Well it looks like autumn might already be upon us as the mornings can be a bit nippy but after a couple of hours it's lovely. We don't get a particularly long summer and for that I'm grateful as I prefer the spring and autumn temperatures!

I was talking to my sister the other day and she was saying that her granddaughter will be leaving school next summer at the age of 16 and hopefully starting an apprenticeship in the travel industry. She's a clever and hardworking girl and at first I was a bit surprised that she wouldn't be staying on to do her A levels but nope, she wants to get out working as soon as she can (and travelling methinks). She's already working at a hairdresser's and a pub when she's not at school, so why not. It'll give her a bit of money and I actually think it's a good thing if more and more people go into "the trades", rather than setting themselves up for tons of higher education debt and no guarantee of a job afterwards. I used to see that when I worked in HR. Hundreds of supremely well-qualified applicants chasing after just one or two jobs! So then my sister said that she would have loved to go into midwifery but when she went to see the joke of a careers advisor she was told "that wouldn't be possible" and to go work in a shop or as a secretary! With that attitude what chance did the working class ever have of getting ahead, even just a little??? How times have changed then, because one of my friends at school was able to get in, but then I'm eight years younger than my sister. I do remember being told myself to go the shop or the secretary route but since I was so pissed off at that I also left school at 16 and went straight to college to study languages. To be completely honest I did end up getting a job as a secretary - but in Switzerland - so I'm pretty sure I earned a far better wage than that sexist (or elitist?) careers officer (or at least I hope I did)!

In other news I was talking to my neighbour and she told me that Stan's wife, Martine, (Stan is my Nigerian friend) looked to be losing her job as the small regional newspaper she has worked for for many years as a journalist is going out of print. Buuuuutttt she said that in that case she intends to run for Maire of our village when the occasion arises. I certainly hope I am French by that time because I believe she would do a great job. Hell, she apparently already knows about "dubious" dealings with land being sold off to developers at less than the value agreed by the authorities!!! Moreover, our current Maire is a miserable sod who can't keep office staff and my lovely neighbour, P, who agreed to be on the village council, resigned after just two months since, apparently, he was only there to agree with the Maire - dixit the Maire! This was more than apparent when we went to the old fogies lunch in conjunction with the next village over and their Maire was very pleasant, friendly and has a good reputation - a complete contrast to ours so I hope Martine gets in!

Talking of politics, but this time national not local politics, apparently a request for impeachment of our President has been (or will shortly be) lodged by the political party known as La France Insoumise! Now this is a left wing party (far left???) and I initially liked a few of their candidates and their leader is quite a convincing speaker. But he's been in politics for years and is a sly old dog (that's about as pleasant as I can be in that regard) and they are the ones that kept Macron's centrist party in power but now, he has them up in arms. You see it must be about six weeks ago that Macron dissolved Parliament due to the appalling results in the legislatives but the left helped keep him in power with the seeming understanding that they would be getting a few key posts - like Prime Minister. Buuut yesterday Macron issued a statement to the effect that he would be doing what he and he only wanted and might even bring in a few outside players (like the head of Renault) to take these posts, basically setting himself up as a dictator!!! I don't think there is much hope that this will go through but as my favourite politician said, at least it will now force the political groups to show their true colours! Fingers crossed but I suspect more outrage is in the offing!

And finally, little Elynn arrived safe and sound on 21st August. I only got to meet her today as I started coughing when they came out of hospital and didn't want to take the risk of anyone getting sick. The early days are hard enough without that aren't they!

Big brother!

... and I am one happy, happy grandma!


  1. Ahhhhhh congratulations! Elynn is a beautiful name. We are seeing fall-like weather here in Toronto too, sigh! Your niece is striking out on her own, good for her. School is ALWAYS there to take your $$$!

  2. Thank you for the congratulations. I love the name Elynn too! And yes I'm kinda glad my niece is going her own route although I would encourage her to keep going with the languages even while working!

    1. Oh definitely encourage the languages while working, I wish I spoke even French but just English for me, lol!

    2. It's never a disadvantage to speak several languages is it. When I was in HR we might have a high level post available and we'd get applicants who were qualified economists AND lawyers and then went on to speak three languages!!!

  3. She is perfectly beautiful and I know you are thrilled. And my how Charlie has grown You are very lucky! Anne in the kitchen

    1. Thanks Anne. Although she was nearly 8 lbs she of course looks like a little dot next to Charlie. But seeing all the really cute (and tiny) clothes on her is adorable!

  4. It seems like just a bit ago that Charlie was that size. She is precious.
    Maire? I looked it up but got city hall as equivalent.
    Elynn like US Ellen?
    I still like the college or trade school route.

    1. It's just an old habit to say Maire (Mayor). Mairie is the Town Hall. Sometimes we just speak franglais over here because we know everyone understands! And I agree on going the trade school route. My plumber son could have as much work as he wants and pretty much charge what he wants. Heck they are even flying plumbers in from Romania, but he is happy working for the firm he's at as they are good to him and he doesn't need the hassle! And Elynn is pronounced Ellin but I'm sure she'll get a nickname at some point too!

  5. Ooh - she is gorgeous and Charlie looks as proud as Grandma sounds! Congratulations to all!

    1. Thank you. Charlie is already very gentle with her if a little bit jealous - but that's only normal too!

  6. Congratulations!! She is absolutely adorable. I can't believe how much Charlie has grown. I know you have to be over the moon happy. Our temperatures are supposed to be cooling down soon and I can't wait. We've had a few teasers over the last month and I'll be glad when it is here to stay a while.

    1. Having Elynn in our lives is going to change everything but for the better of course. Oh and I've just come in and it's 90°F so we're still getting the hot weather, just cooler in the mornings!

  7. Congratulations! I don't doubt you're going to spoil Elynn as much as you spoil her big brother! When I was young, girls in high school were expected to be housewives first, and secretaries or sales clerks second.

    1. They're thrilled of course, but I'm pretty certain Jen won't let me spoil her too much, although I do admit sneaking in a few ice creams when I took Charlie out to play. When I was growing up most women were stay-at-home moms too but I pity anyone who didn't want that. Life at home with little kids can be stultifyingly boring, however much you love them. More and more though, I think women should keep working. Divorce and death can and do happen, and it was only still having my very good job that saved me and my home!

  8. Congratulations, Nana! She's a doll.

    We had Fall-ish weather for about a week, and now we're heading back into Summer with the heat and humidity! Oy!

    1. Thanks Bob. She's about the size of a doll too at the moment and her clothes swamp her! It's still very hot here (so cold shower time) but the mornings are a little cooler. I should force myself to get up early and get some work done outside, but I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen as I'm just not a morning person!!!

  9. What a beautiful baby girl! Does her big brother love her? Congratulations to all.
    Glad you're getting some cooler weather.

    1. Thanks Ms Moon. And yes Charlie does love her - he keeps walking over and kissing her. Then he was the first one she smiled at (actually I think it was gas) so he is thrilled. I have to say I have every admiration for Jordan and Jen because when the baby is asleep one of them makes time to do one-on-one things with Charlie, while the other one is usually washing up or something! And we all know how difficult it that is on so little sleep don't we!

  10. She's so beautiful. I have no idea what would be a good job in the future, things keep changing so fast. I couldn't wait to get out of my parent's house and just wanted to work and make my own money. Turned out nursing was good for that, although I took me four years to figure that out.

    1. Thanks Pixie. She is a litte doll! Somehow I don't think nurses will ever be redundant (mind you, it's not a job I could do so I admire you so much) and I also think the trades will also always be necessary. I have one son who is a plumber and the other has a good job in an international organization - much better paid (for the time being) and physically easier, although working in an office can be stressful too. One year the plumber gave the office kid a manual screwdriver for Christmas - with a set of instructions on how to use!!!!!

  11. What a lovely little girl. It seems like only yesterday you were waiting for Charlie to be born! He's very grown up looking now. They grow up so quickly don't they.
    I agree that more children should be encouraged to go into trades rather than university. Everyone needs plumbers and decorators, hairdressers and shop assistants etc. and all of those jobs can bring advancement and further education should they require it further down the line. I think schools need to get back to encouraging this too,, too much emphasis is placed on academia these days in my opinion! steps off high horse! ;D xx

    1. Thanks Marksgran. You're right, Charlie seems like such a big boy now. He's now completely potty trained, which is good as he starts pre-school on Monday! He wanted me to play with him in his bedroom the other day but I told him if I got down on the floor to play with him I might never get up - so he did a "Ministry of Silly Walks" thingy showing me how to get off the floor! Cracks me up! And oh I agree with you so much about trades, especially having seen people with wonderful degrees never being able to get a foot in the door because someone always had a better degree!

  12. Elynn is beautiful! So looking forward to being a grandmother (fingers crossed - neither of my boys are married but both have long term girlfriends). I want to tell them if they wait too much longer my husband and I won't be the best babysitters!

    1. If they are in stable relationships I really wish it for you. I was actually quite surprised that Jordan and Jen wanted a second child as so many don't now, so Elynn is just the icing on the cake!
