Saturday 6 April 2024

So, getting back to Thailand ...!

Anyhoo, the next day - whenever that was - we left the islands and made our way back to mainland Krabi, where we would spend our final few days in Thailand. While Krabi was not nearly as pretty as the islands, it was more of a resort town so I guess if you were looking for entertainment this was the place to be. Our tour company was offering a tour of the Phi Phi islands, but C and I decided we wouldn't bother as I think we were pretty tired by this time. Later that evening we went out to dinner with R, who had taken the tour but he said that while it was indeed very beautiful, it was sooooo crowded it just wasn't worth it. Too many boats and too many people in the water trying to snorkel. This was where they filmed The Beach and not long after the film was released they temporarily closed down trips to tourists in order to preserve the islands! From what R was saying, I can see why! So I would say that while some of them enjoyed the trip, a few thought it was not money well spent, given the overcrowding!

R's photos, not mine, obviously!

C and I had a wander round the town and were surprised to see how many places were advertising cannabis for sale. It's legal for the time being, but there is talk about making it illegal at some future date. I'm not sure what the sellers will do in the event it's outlawed, though in the meantime I'm not surprised the people are so "smiley"!

Our guide had told us we should check out the night market, but unfortunately the first night we turned the wrong way out onto the main road and found the market to be nothing special. Turns out we hadn't actually found the real market but when we did, man was that an assault on your senses. The heat, the smells, the noise were all so intense! A couple from our group spotted a whole crocodile roasting on a spit (wish they'd gotten a photo of it) - and the entire place was just heaving. Well worth the visit but I was glad to get out of there too!

A google picture - I couldn't get anything worth posting!

After that we had just two more days left, but I'll leave that for another time as it's already quite late here. Back home the weather has been picking up and I finally got around to doing my annual pressure wash of the back terrace. It's a bit of a faff but I quite enjoy it really as it's so satisfying to see the crud being washed away after the snow has melted. I was working on the moss in the front driveway when my neighbour wandered over for a chat and a coffee. Now while I know I must have looked pretty grim after almost two hours of power washing, when I caught sight of myself in the mirror I was mortified - Worzel Gummige had nothing on me!

Wurzel Gummige!

And finally, the kids arrived back from the States today after spending two weeks with my ex's family. They said it went well and I'm glad Ammy got to see both my kids and Charlie, of course. I suspect I will hear about a few tensions later but on the whole it went well, and I'm happy for that. I thought I'd surprise them by shooting out to the airport to meet them, even though they'd already got transport arranged. Well I stopped off at the baker's to buy bread and croissants for everyone and then sailed easily through the border to arrive at the airport about 15 minutes after they'd landed. So I sat there people watching, and I sat there, and I sat there - and after about an hour I sent Jordan a message to ask where they were. Turns out they were half way home as they must have whizzed through immigration, customs and baggage reclaim in less than 15 minutes. Damn, I reckon I missed them by a matter of minutes, if not seconds! Well you know what they say about best laid plans? Man makes plans and God laughs, apparently!



  1. It was still incredibly sweet that you met them, or tried to meet them, treats in hand. I am not sure I'd be a good Asian traveler-overwhelming smells do my head in, but the culture and the beauty I'd love to see.

    1. I just love the smells (but maybe not the heat so much). One of my best memories is wandering through the sukh in Istanbul. All those spice smells. Just wonderful!

  2. Oh dear - trust the bread and croissants were still appreciated though.

    1. I'd taken sloppy joes and bara brith up to both their apartments the day before so wanted to drop the bread off to go with the sloppy joes. I dropped the croissants off on the way back so all was not lost!

  3. I'm glad the government stepped in to keep tourists away, not that they're all bad, but too many go just to say they saw it, and they don't usually have a lot of consideration.

    1. I think that's the same with all tourist spots really. Just after I'd been to Machu Picchu they introduced quotas, although we got there so early anyway we were pretty much the only ones. Same with the safari in Sri Lanka, Santorini in Greece (it was just heaving). The pictures on the tourist guides don't show any of that, do they!

  4. I'd love to visit that beach but would also hate the crowds. It ruins the natural beauty.

    1. Sadly I don't think we plebs would ever get to see these places without the crowds. Maybe the locals during the off season, but not us!

  5. That beach is insanely beautiful. I might have gone just to see it but who knows? I wonder why they're thinking of making weed illegal again? Seems like that toothpaste has already been squeezed out of the tube and I'm not sure how they'd get it back in.

    1. Every beach we went to was beautiful so I wasn't too bothered about missing the Phi Phi islands, plus I was tired anyway. In the end, given how crowded it was, I'm glad I didn't go. As for the weed, I have no idea if the ban will pass. Seen from an outsider's point of view, I don't see that it is doing any harm, but what would I know!

  6. I prefer a quieter beach myself! I know your offerings of fresh goods were much appreciated :) so glad they had a good time and are back safe and sound!

    1. There were so many beautiful beaches that it was pretty easy to find an uncrowded one - just not that one, unfortunately.

  7. Very interesting! I liked the mental images of the crowded market.

    1. The market was something else and the food looked wonderful. However there was no way I was going to eat there. I did that in Bali many years ago and spent the next three days in the bathroom!!!!!

  8. I don't think I'd do well with that many people, LOL. The snorkeling reminds me of when we took a group boat out to snorkel at this popular place. Too many people bobbing around. Then all the boats but ours left. We got to stay and snorkel again with NO other people, other than our boat. It was so nice.

    1. I don't snorkel anyway (instant sunburn on my back usually) so it wasn't a problem for me to miss it. But you're right, crowds that size would have ruined it for me anyway!

  9. Markets like that always smell and look so tempting but I've had food poisoning so it would have been a hard pass for me too.

    1. Oh the spare ribs in particular looked wonderful but I had to wonder how long they'd been sitting out and even if they were totally fine, it doesn't take much to get you sick if you're not used to it, does it. Better safe than sorry!
